I can see the case for both
I have taken the approach to start with partyrelations.rollup.roles (not
as defined by ofbiz, but the datamodel book) that a userloginId has,
against the PartyID info available.
that is a lot more detailed than I think you looking for.

Hans Bakker sent the following on 9/26/2011 7:12 PM:
> Currently we have a userLoginId preference. What is fine for preferences
> in screens etc.
> However we would would like to have preferences on a party level, like
> email notification preferences. This is rather difficult at the moment
> because if you specify these at the userLogin level and there are 5
> userlogins for a user what to do? If you only know the partyId?
> System messages or orders are an example, there only partyId is known
> and not the specific userloginId. We would also like to send
> notifications when an email comes is, where also only partyId is known.
> Any opinions here?
> Regards,
> Hans

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