Hi Elan,

Yes you are right with it (I did not check code though). Could you open a Jira 
and possibly attach a patch?



From: "elanzhou" <elanz...@126.com>
hi, all:
   I'm confused by LoginEvents:storeLogin's checkStoreCustomerRole.
In org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents's storeLogin method, at last , there are "return ProductEvents.checkStoreCustomerRole(request, response);" The LoginEvents shall just do sth related login. ProductEvent is more related to Product. It may be handled in somewhere of Product. If place it in LoginEvents, then securityext module is depend on Product module, The dependency is not necessary. And only WebPosEvents's posLogin method used the storeLogin method. May I suggest putting the check to WebPostEvents ? Or add an ECA ?

yousr: elan

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