On 3/20/2011 3:33 AM, David E Jones wrote:
I'm writing this to start a thread to discuss:

If you could change ANYTHING in the OFBiz data model, what would it be?

To kick this off here are some ideas I've compiled that have come up over the 
years (many based on feedback from people on this mailing list), or that I 
thought of recently will working on this topic. You can see them below...



- Move most *Type entities to Enumeration values (update seed data, referring
   entities, remove *Type) (after this remove all remaining hasTable fields)

I have been thinking about this one and I have come up with an idea. I believe some of the *Type entities were meant to implement the entity subtypes mentioned in The Data Model Resource book. In some cases, that distinction is lost over time and the *Type entity contains values that have nothing to do with subtyping the related entity. So, for the entity subtype cases we could have something like an EntitySubtype entity, and use a standard ID field name in all subtyped entities - like entitySubTypeId. That approach could still be abused, but at least the original intent of the id field can be preserved.


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