There are multiple Extra Types :
- technical improvement (ex: new tags or attributes in form, screen, ... xml engine) - technical implementation of other tools (ex: a script jsr-233 implementation)
- functionality (ex: stock tracability)
- user interface for a dedicated business (ex: order B2B versus B2C )
- ...

for each, there are multiple status :
- available but without user help or unitTest, without OFBiz best practice review
- available with user help, unitTest and following OFBiz best practices
  - with or without a (large) community
  - with a Apache license 2.0
  - with a GPL license
  - with a commercial license
  - ...
- ...

Depending of type and status an extras ofbiz brick can have different life process.

For end user (or beginner in the community) it's necessary to be very clear about type and status.

In my point of view I see 6 main categories (and so repository and rules)

- Apache OFBiz Kernel :-) not an extra, in Apache repository
- Apache OFBiz extra : for all which are validated by Apache OFBiz community and ready to use ( ~ like specialpurpose today) - Apache OFBiz extra archives : for part which are, in the past in Apache Ofbiz, but which have no more enough contributors to be usable for the trunk ofbiz (but usable for some other release)

- Apache OFBiz extra incubator : step before being accepted as Apache OFBiz extra

- OFBiz Extra - <name of project> : own repository, own community, ready to use, OFBiz best practice following and maybe more specific project rules. - OFBiz Extra - <name of project> -dev : step before, maybe no help or no test, ....

License constraints should be very visible in each "OFBizExtra repository", and the same license for all single subcomponent OFBizExtra. Dependency between part of different OFBizExtra is allowed only if it's compatible with its "repository License". ex: a component on Apache License can have a dependency to a GPL technical OFBizExtra brick only if it's stored on a GPL OFBIzExtra repository.

The rules applied to each "OFBiz Extras-project" are defined and checked by the <<OFBiz PMC, Apache and Extra>>.

Hoping to be clear, and answer or complete the Jacoppo proposition.


ps: I did not argue much, to have a short mail, but :-) I'm able to argue a lot :-)

Le 14/03/2012 10:47, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
Hi all,

this is a draft of a proposal for a new strategy to setup an ecosystem of 
extranal projects related with OFBiz (OFBiz Extras).


* In the past from time to time we had contributors interested in working on a 
specific enhancement for OFBiz: because of the nature of their participation 
and because of the way the community works they could not become OFBiz 
committers and this made the collaboration more difficult
* Recently a committer suggested the use of Apache Extras as a way to implement 
an OFBiz custom component that could not find its way in the framework
* we have also a lot of code in the OFBiz trunk (framework, themes, 
specialpurpose and applications) that may find a better location outside of the 
trunk: this could slim down the codebase and in the same time help the grow of 
an OFBiz ecosystem. While some of the code we have is probably old and could be 
removed (of course it will always live in the svn history and we will also 
document the event somewhere) some other code may still be of some interest to 
a smaller audience: Apache Extras could be a good fit.

THE DRAFT OF THE PROPOSAL (inspired by the references at the bottom of this 

Apache Extras is a community of open source projects related to Apache Software 
Foundation projects or based on their technology. It provides the infrastructure services 
typically required by open source projects, such as code repositories, bug tracking, 
project web sites/wiki. Apache Extras is hosted by Google Code Project Hosting, so it 
will be very familiar to developers already using Google Code Project Hosting. The 
projects in Apache Extras that accept to follow the rules stated below and are related to 
Apache OFBiz are grouped under the name "OFBiz Extras".

The following rules apply to projects in the "OFBiz Extras" group:

* do not include the word Apache in their name but use the name "OFBiz Extras -<name of 
the project>"
* do not use the org.apache and the org.ofbiz namespace for their bundles or 
package names; exceptions to this guideline must be approved and documented 
through official discussion by the Apache OFBiz PMC on its public mailing lists 
and will be dealt with on a case by case basis (in these cases the projects 
could use org.ofbiz.extras)
* use the Apache License 2.0
* do not include or link to any code that is not compatible with Apache License 
* keep track of all contributions and ensure they are contributed under an 
Apache License 2.0 compatible license
* discussions about the projects will happen in the project's community
* an official web page in the OFBiz site will be dedicated to projects in "OFBiz 
* the OFBiz PMC may ask for additional requirements/constraints on a case by 
case basis

Note: we could even drop the 3 requirements about the license: I have added 
them because they will be required if the project will ever want to initiate 
the Incubator process to become an official ASF subproject (part of OFBiz)

Kind regards,


Some references:

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