Le 21/03/2012 14:00, Hans Bakker a écrit :
(I also copied the user list because users are heavily impacted here. Users please read the development forum at http://www.ofbiz.info)

Hi Everybody interested in the future of ofbiz,
*i am very concerned with the current route which is proposed by Jacopo in the development mailing list: "Lose Weight Program for OFBiz"*


Have only a minimal core ERP with minimal functionality, anything extra is moved to either: 1. *Apache extras* (http://www.apache-extras.com) which is just a url link menu into "Google projects" This will not be maintained by the Apache OFBiz committers and only outside the Apache environment.
2. *attic* (abandoned=deleted)

Pushing out complete components and functions like for example all components in the specialized directory such as e-commerce, project manager, asset manager and others and also Birt (Reporting) integration out of the OFBiz core system will actually mean: components will be abandoned even when stored in "apache extra's" and will be picked up by commercial companies like mine (Antwebsystems) and others and will promote them as commercial add-ons for a fee.

[my Antwebsystems CEO hat on]
Actually we (AntWebsystems) already started the process a couple of months ago, we have internal chat/live chat(see our website), twitter, sitemap, saas/tenant extension, shindig/igoogle integration, task manager and more because a number of committers objected that we added more functions, so we stopped contributing major functions.

[my Apache PMC member hat on]
This can now happen with anything that will be removed from the core system. There are many articles about the commercialization of open source products on the internet, examples are Sugercrm and Magento and OFBiz will be the next one:

*In the future, a reasonable OFBiz system cannot be be run without commercial extra's!
in my mind plug-in system is good to replace a plug-in we don't want
Please keep this in mind if you react on the proposal "Lose Weight Program for OFBiz": do not agree too easily.
I'm a GPL fan, so I will do all what is possible to be sure there will still a large community for a Free software ERP base on OFBiz
I'm a modularity fan, so I don't like monolithic

IMO The key point is how will be organize the OFBiz-extras and how it will be easy for a end user to download and install a solution (= OFBiz kernel + list of plug-in)

[my Antwebsystems CEO hat on]
From a commercialization point of view please remove as much as possible.....
[my Apache PMC member hat on]
    Only remove the component/functions which are not maintained.
clarify what is maintained by whom, and who is using what and sometime the maturity level of a feature (dev, V0, stable , ...)

Hans Bakker
*Proud Apache OFBiz PMC member* and yes also CEO Antwebsystems Co.Ltd.

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