From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
Ok, I went ahead and committed the changes in rev. 1308370
I know that these changes may annoy the persons that are used to the old/traditional names; I really think that the reviewed versions make more sense and, even if now will cause some headache, I am sure that in the future they will help to present a better/cleaner system to the first time users. Please give it some time to adjust to the new version and test it for some time; then if there are issues etc... we can review this work and/or modify it.

For now I didn't change the name of the scripts to but I would like to consider it soon.





On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:49 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


From: "Pierre Smits" <>
Op 30 maart 2012 09:02 schreef Jacopo Cappellato <> het volgende:
another nice thing we could do, merely esthetic, is to rename
""/"ant.bat" to ""/"ofbiz.bat".
Then the commands will be like:

ofbiz load-demo
ofbiz run-tests
ofbiz start
ofbiz stop



On Mar 29, 2012, at 5:34 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> Ok,
> I have completed my work on this; however instead of running the new
tasks from the old task I have preferred to print a message to inform the
user about the new syntax; it seems to me that this is an easier transition
because at some point we will remove.
> I also renamed a couple more tasks and refactored one to replace 2 more;
I have also cleaned and improved the style of the descriptions.
> Since these changes ended up being more than what I initially proposed
in this thread, I will wait before committing my work to the trunk and I
have instead created a Jira ticket where I have described all the changes I
did and attached the patch:
> Please review my work and let me know if you see issues in it; I would
like to commit it in a few days.
> Regards,
> Jacopo
> PS: for your reference, here is the new output of the "ant -p" command:
> build-website                 For committers : Update dtds from OFBiz
instance to site
> clean-all                     Clean all DB, Catalina and caches data,
logs, and runtime subdirectories and all specific files like .rej, .orig
> clean-cache                   Clean the UtilCache file if errors found
with old objects in the cache (Java runtime error something like 'local
class incompatible')
> clean-catalina                Clean Catalina data in
> clean-data                    Clean all DB data (Derby) under
> clean-downloads               Clean all downloaded files
> clean-logs                    Clean all logs in runtime/logs
> clean-lucene-index            Remove lucene indexes created in
> clean-output                  Clean runtime/output directory
> clean-tempfiles               Remove files located in runtime/tempfiles
(captcha, etc...)
> clean-xtra                    Clean all other files like .rej, .orig,
> cobertura-report              Generate a HTML code coverage report with
cobertura, can be found in runtime/logs/cobertura-report
> cobertura-report-xml          Generate a XML file from the cobertura
report, this will be use by sonar
> copy-dtds                     For committers : Copy all dtds from OFBiz
instance to website
> create-admin-user-login       Prompt for a user name, then create a user
login with admin privileges and a temporary password equal to 'ofbiz'.
After a successful login the user will be prompted for a new password.
> create-component              Create the layout of an OFBiz component in
the hot-deploy folder.
> create-tenant                 Create a new tenant in your environment,
create the delegator, load initial data with admin-user and password (needs
multitenant=Y in
> docs-all                      For committers : Build all javadoc into
one tree for easier viewing by the community
> download-PG-JDBC              Download postgres jdbc driver
> download-selenium             Download the selenium server v1.0.3 20.8
MB download
> load-admin-user-login         Create a user login with admin privileges
and a temporary password equal to 'ofbiz'; after a successful login the
user will be prompted for a new password.[...]
> load-all-tenants              Load data for all tenants, syntax eg: ant
load-all-tenants (needs multitenant=Y in
> load-demo                     Load all data; meant for generic OFBiz
development, testing, demonstration, etc purposes
> load-demo-multitenant         Load all data needed for the multi-tenancy
demonstration. Caution: this creates three databases, with each one loaded
with all demo data.
> load-extseed                  Load seed, seed-initial and ext data;
meant for manual/generic testing, development, or going into production
with a derived system based on stock OFBiz where the ext data basically
replaces the demo data
> load-exttest                  Load seed, seed-initial, ext and ext-test
data; meant for automated testing with a derived system based on stock OFBiz
> load-file                     Load data using the command line argument
'data-file' to load data from a given file using the 'default' delegator or
a delegator specified in the command line argument 'delegator'
> load-readers                  Load data using the command line argument
data-readers that takes a comma separated list of readers (seed,
seed-initial, demo, ext, ext-test, ext-demo).[...]
> load-seed                     Load ONLY the seed data (not seed-initial,
demo, ext* or anything else); meant for use after an update of the code to
reload the seed data as it is generally maintained along with the code and
needs to be in sync for operation
> load-tenant                   Load data using tenantId, syntax eg: ant
load-tenant -DtenantId=DEMO1 (needs multitenant=Y in
> load-tenant-admin-user-login  Create the admin login for the tenant with
admin privileges, and a temporay password equal to 'ofbiz'. Password must
be changed on first login
> load-tenant-data-readers      Load data of given data-readers in the
tenant database
> refresh                       Clean all and rebuild
> run-test                      Run a single test, syntax eg: ant run-test
> run-test-list                 Run all configured tests,
stopping/starting ofbiz between each test
> run-test-suite                Run a single test suite, syntax eg: ant
run-test-suite -Dtest.component=mycomponent -Dtest.suiteName=mytests
> run-tests                     Run OFBiz default tests; you have to
manually execute 'ant load-demo' before and see results in
> run-tests-with-cobertura      Download Cobertura and perform code
coverage (same as run-tests). You will need a valid Internet connection to
download cobertura
> sonar                         Sonar code analysis. You need a Sonar
instance running to use it. More info on
> start                         Start OFBiz
> start-batch                   Start OFBiz as a separate process
> start-debug                   Start OFBiz in debugging mode
> start-pos                     Start OFBiz POS (Point of sale)
> stop                          Stop OFBiz
> svninfo                       Update the Release-revision info in the
footer. Note that you need a valid Internet connection and Subversion
connected to the OFBiz repository for that
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Ankit Jain wrote:
>> +1, now the name makes sense.
>> Regards,
>> Ankit Jain
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have reviewed the names of our ant tasks and I would like to propose
>>> rename [*] some of them to make them more consistent with what they
>>> actually do.
>>> In short, I would like to:
>>> * rename some "run" tasks with the word "start" because they actually
>>> start OFBiz
>>> * rename "run-install*" tasks with the word "load" because they
>>> load data
>>> ** rename the task that loads demo data from "run-install" to a more
>>> explicit "load-demo"
>>> Here is the complete list of proposed changes:
>>> run --> start
>>> run-debug --> start-debug
>>> run-pos --> start-pos
>>> run-install --> load-demo
>>> run-install-* targets --> load-* (for example: run-install-seed -->
>>> load-seed etc...)
>>> What do you think?
>>> Jacopo
>>> [*] if we are worried about "backward compatibility" (even if this is
>>> actually a *compatibility* issue) we could keep the old ones (to call
>>> new ones); I personally don't think it is necessary and we could clean
>>> to have a cleaner build.xml file for future evolution.... but I would
>>> be against keeping the old ones as well if there is enough consensus.

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