Hi francis

Please add the  Derby jdbc jar file in ofbiz/framework/entity/lib/jdbc folder.
don't need entry the Derby jdbc jar to the ofbiz-component.xml.
But some change in ofbiz/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml file
change like jdbc-username and jdbc-password in <datasource
And again restart the project.

Thanks & Regards
Mohit Gupta

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:33 PM, Francis ANDRE <
francis.andre.kampb...@orange.fr> wrote:

> Hi
> Running OFBiz under Eclipse and starting the JCR component leads to an
> ClassNotFoundException as follow: Why JCR is using the Apache Derby Driver
> while the ofbiz database is Postgres??? How can I fix this problem?? (I
> added the Derby jdbc jar to the ofbiz-component.xml but this leads too to
> the same exception.
> Rgds
> Caused by: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Could not load JDBC driver class
> org.apache.derby.jdbc.**EmbeddedDriver
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**util.db.ConnectionFactory.**
> getDriverClass(**ConnectionFactory.java:263)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**util.db.ConnectionFactory.**
> createDataSource(**ConnectionFactory.java:231)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**util.db.ConnectionFactory.**
> getDataSource(**ConnectionFactory.java:167)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**persistence.pool.**
> BundleDbPersistenceManager.**getDataSource(**BundleDbPersistenceManager.**
> java:575)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**persistence.pool.**
> BundleDbPersistenceManager.**init(**BundleDbPersistenceManager.**java:543)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**persistence.pool.**
> DerbyPersistenceManager.init(**DerbyPersistenceManager.java:**250)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**RepositoryImpl.**
> createPersistenceManager(**RepositoryImpl.java:1342)
>    ... 14 more
> Caused by: java.lang.**ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.**
> EmbeddedDriver
>    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(**Unknown Source)
>    at java.security.**AccessController.doPrivileged(**Native Method)
>    at java.net.URLClassLoader.**findClass(Unknown Source)
>    at java.lang.ClassLoader.**loadClass(Unknown Source)
>    at sun.misc.Launcher$**AppClassLoader.loadClass(**Unknown Source)
>    at java.lang.ClassLoader.**loadClass(Unknown Source)
>    at java.lang.Class.forName0(**Native Method)
>    at java.lang.Class.forName(**Unknown Source)
>    at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.**util.db.ConnectionFactory.**
> getDriverClass(**ConnectionFactory.java:258)

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