I see what you mean but... source code releases are required by the ASF.

Quoting http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html :

"All releases are in the form of the source materials needed to make changes to 
the software being released. In some cases, binary/bytecode packages are also 
produced as a convenience to users that might not have the appropriate tools to 
build a compiled version of the source. In all such cases, the binary/bytecode 
package must have the same version number as the source release and may only 
add binary/bytecode files that are the result of compiling that version of the 
source code release."

For simplicity, the OFBiz community releases only "source code" releases; in 
addition (not in substitution) to them,we could also vote/approve/distribute 
"binary releases" but this would add a lot of work (and the packages would be 
rather big) and for now I don't see the need for this.
Of course, and maybe it is what you are suggesting, we could remove all jars 
from the svn repository and then create a release package bundling the source 
code with all the jars required (and this could be automated with Maven or 
Ivy): all this without changing our release strategy.
My main questions are: what is the real advantage of doing this? How this would 
solve the problems I posted at the beginning of this thread (that has been 
ignored to discuss about tools)?


On Apr 12, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Rajbir Saini wrote:

> I agree with you Jacopo regarding bundling the jars in release.  But source 
> code is not release. Apache projects using Maven do not keep jars in the 
> repository but they do bundle the jars in release.
> Thanks,
> Raj
> On Thursday 12 April 2012 07:38 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> Well, I think it is important to bundle all the jars required to build, run 
>> and test the system in the OFBiz package; and they have to be properly 
>> listed in LICENSE/NOTICE files.
>> See in particular:
>> http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html#what-must-every-release-contain
>> Jacopo
>> On Apr 12, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> To be frank, when I 1st read Pierre's proposition I thought it was a good 
>>> idea and just wanted to ask him for patches :p
>>> Then I put my black hat (played the devil's advocate if you prefer) and 
>>> began to think about drawbacks and possibles issues. No Internet connection 
>>> poped to my mind and then those minor issues.
>>> I now think that the no internet connection is indeed not a deep problem. 
>>> Because, like you said, you need initially to checkout
>>> anyway.
>>> But for the slownesss I'm less sure. I just checked and I see that Ivy does 
>>> not see that it has already downloaded a lib and does it again. Can we 
>>> prevent that?
>>> From: "Rajbir Saini"<rajbsa...@yahoo.com>
>>>> Hi Jacques,
>>>> I agree there are minor problems when libraries are downloaded form 
>>>> different repositories. I had been in similar situation couple
>>>> of time in the past. But again, source repository is not really to store 
>>>> the binary contents. We cant main any versioning
>>>> information of the jars in the source repository.
>>> You mean "we can maintain any versioning info..." ?. How do you envision 
>>> that exactly?
>>> Jacques
>>>> Regarding binary release, almost every project in open source I came 
>>>> across have an Ant target or Maven goal some thing like dist
>>>> to create the binary distribution. Generally, the structure of the 
>>>> distribution is not same as source tree. Binary releases,
>>>> re-organise the code with a directory structure like bin, conf, lib etc. I 
>>>> feel this is one of the reason we had the problem with
>>>> the bin folder colliding with the Eclipse bin folder. Bin folder suppose 
>>>> to exist only in the binary release and not in the source
>>>> tree.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Raj
>>>> On Thursday 12 April 2012 04:46 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>> Hi Raj,
>>>>> From: "Rajbir Saini"<rajbsa...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>> BTW, how to you checkout OFBiz or download the source if there is no 
>>>>>> Internet connection. I know we can build with Maven without
>>>>>> Internect connection once you have downloaded the dependencies when you 
>>>>>> build first time.
>>>>> A real important issue with Ivy: it would be much slower to check out the 
>>>>> whole (I do that often, not always from ASF repo, but
>>>>> clients's, etc.). And we will still need to do it for each release to 
>>>>> package (minor).
>>>>> There are other minor problems like sometimes you need to extract a 
>>>>> temporary snapshoots from an attachment somewhere (ie you
>>>>> can't
>>>>> find it in a repo). I have been in such a situation in the past, notably 
>>>>> with Geronimo (actually it was WASCE
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7045153).
>>>>>  Ivy would get stuck in such cases. OK, this is is out
>>>>> of
>>>>> OFBiz, but we have also snapshots or modifed version of libs (I did, or 
>>>>> used, one for DBCP years ago).
>>>>> If we find good solutions for these issues (and some others we may come 
>>>>> with) then we should discuss it. But the slowness is a
>>>>> bummer IMO.
>>>>>> Also, OFBiz similar to other should have a different binary release and 
>>>>>> generally binary releases have all the dependencies
>>>>>> bundled. Binary releases are for the end users and not developers.
>>>>> You mean we don't have binary relases right and users still need to 
>>>>> build? But all our dependencies are bundled, what's the
>>>>> problem?
>>>>> I think we already discussed about binary relases. Users would still have 
>>>>> to load data. We could also package them. But is it not
>>>>> easy to simply follow the Quick start here 
>>>>> http://ofbiz.apache.org/download.html?
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Raj
>>>>>> On Thursday 12 April 2012 02:14 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>> The problem with this approach: it does not work if you don't have an 
>>>>>>> Internet connection: blocking
>>>>>>> -1
>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>> From: "Pierre Smits"<pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>>>>>>> How about using Apache Ivy more to manage dependencies. That way OFBiz
>>>>>>>> should reduce in size dramatically and the modifications of the 
>>>>>>>> licence and
>>>>>>>> notice file are trimmed down considerably.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Pierre
>>>>>>>> Op 11 april 2012 18:49 schreef Jacopo Cappellato<
>>>>>>>> jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com>  het volgende:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> the following are housekeeping tasks that could be part of the 
>>>>>>>>> "SlimDown"
>>>>>>>>> roadmap we could do (help from the community would be highly 
>>>>>>>>> appreciated)
>>>>>>>>> related to the big number of jar files bundled with OFBiz:
>>>>>>>>> * making sure all jar files are marked as binary
>>>>>>>>> * making sure they are listed properly in LICENSE (and if required 
>>>>>>>>> NOTICE)
>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>> * making sure we are running stable versions and not snapshots 
>>>>>>>>> (whenever
>>>>>>>>> possible)
>>>>>>>>> * upgrade jars to use latest versions (whenever possible)
>>>>>>>>> * remove jars no more needed
>>>>>>>>> * rename old jars to add release numbers in the file name
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas on how to document compilation and runtime dependencies, 
>>>>>>>>> purpose
>>>>>>>>> and versions of each jars bundled in OFBiz?
>>>>>>>>> A useful (but outdated/incomplete) source of information is this page:
>>>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/Libraries+Included+in+OFBiz
>>>>>>>>> You may have noticed that in the last few days I already started the 
>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>> of upgrading some jars, setting the file properties to binary etc..
>>>>>>>>> I have also identified a few jars that may not be needed anymore, but 
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> would like your help/input in figuring out if we can actually remove 
>>>>>>>>> them;
>>>>>>>>> in fact, even if I was able to compile and run successfully all tests 
>>>>>>>>> it is
>>>>>>>>> still not guaranteed that some of them may be used under special 
>>>>>>>>> conditions
>>>>>>>>> at runtime (this is true for all jars):
>>>>>>>>> framework/base/lib/ant/ant-nodeps-1.8.1.jar
>>>>>>>>> framework/base/lib/Tidy.jar
>>>>>>>>> framework/base/lib/ant-trax-1.8.0.jar
>>>>>>>>> framework/base/lib/commons/commons-vfs-20070730.jar
>>>>>>>>> There may be other files in the same condition.
>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>> Jacopo

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