The patch is not including the new layouts, i just put the string resources
which contain now arabic.
I am still not finished with the new rtl layouts.
after testing it works well in both ltr and rtl directions, I will post a
new patch in a new jira issue.

Amine Azzi.

2012/6/26 Jacques Le Roux <>

> From: "Amine Azzi" <>
>  Hi Jaques,
>> I decided finally to add new screens layouts for rtl stuff (under
>> subdirectory default_rtl) does it seem a good idea for you?
> Seems a rational solution, I will have a look at the patch you attached in
> the related Jira
>  I also invert order of columns in the journal table.
>> The only issue I face now is making data inside the table right aligned,
>> but cannot find how (tried to add Alignment to JournalData style but did
>> not work).
>> Do you have any idea?
> I will have a look at this quirck too
> Thanks for your contribution
> Jacques
>  Regards.
>> Amine Azzi.
>> 2012/5/30 Jacques Le Roux <>
>>  From: "Amine Azzi" <>
>>>  hi all,
>>>> I was trying to see how to make an Arabic version of the POS
>>>> application, and I found nowhere if it is possible to change the style
>>>> from 'left to right' to 'right to left'? I went to the xui project
>>>> mailing list but it seems that the last one was in 2008 and there was
>>>> nothing related to that subject. Then I decided to ask experts of the
>>>> POS project in Ofbiz. Maybe Jaques knows the answer :)
>>> Unfortunately no, I never tried that. And I don't think there is anything
>>> available.
>>> I could have a look but not before this weekend I guess...
>>> Jacques
>>>  Actually I want only to change the direction of the table
>>>> journal_panel implemented in the class  and it will be
>>>> much easier to do that throug hte style if possible otherwise I will
>>>> be obliged to change the order of these two arrays according the
>>>> language and all code related to them
>>>> private static String[] field = { "sku", "desc", "qty", "price" };
>>>> private static String[] name = { "PosSku", "PosItem", "PosQty", "PosAmt"
>>>> };
>>>> Regards.
>>>> Amine Azzi

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