Le 03/09/2012 11:53, Malin Nicolas a écrit :

<<When changing the name of a field, or deprecating and replacing a field that does not require deprecation of the entire entity, then follow the same pattern leaving the old field there: a "old" prefix added to the field name, change the original first letter to upper case. For example if you are changing the "uomId" field to a new name then change the field name to "oldUomId". Just as when replacing and entity, make sure to write a service to move the data from the old field to the new one.>>
Just to create the service. With col-name attribut all migration works with simple service since entity-engine link the old column. Without this deprecated method, it would be interesting to give the Best Pratice of "How move a data not connect on entity-engine by a service". If is only by sql sentence "make sure to write a service to move the data from the old field to the new one." sounds wrong.
No remark ?


Nicolas MALIN
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Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
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