
Jacques Le Roux commented on OFBIZ-4941:

You can close access to the server, that's exactly what I have here:
 Le volume dans le lecteur D s'appelle Secondaire
 Le numéro de série du volume est 441F-6A20

 Répertoire de 

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07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          projectmgr_en
               0 fichier(s)                0 octets
              12 Rép(s)  50 082 443 264 octets libres

and of course all files are present:
D:\workspace\ofbizClean\applications\content\data\helpdata\docbookhelp>dir /s
 Le volume dans le lecteur D s'appelle Secondaire
 Le numéro de série du volume est 441F-6A20

 Répertoire de 

07/10/2012  20:38    <REP>          .
07/10/2012  20:38    <REP>          ..
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          accounting_en
07/10/2012  19:25    <REP>          humanres_en
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          images_accounting_en
07/10/2012  19:25    <REP>          images_humanres_en
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          images_manufacturing_en
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          images_manufacturing_nl
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          images_projectmgr_en
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          manufacturing_en
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          manufacturing_nl
07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          projectmgr_en
               0 fichier(s)                0 octets

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13/09/2012  22:08           219 387 accounting.xml
               1 fichier(s)          219 387 octets

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13/09/2012  16:53           322 717 humanres.xml
               1 fichier(s)          322 717 octets

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13/09/2012  19:55           117 168 man.png
               1 fichier(s)          117 168 octets

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13/09/2012  19:55            93 253 AccountingPayCheck.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           231 431 AccountingSetInvoiceStatus.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            43 397 EditTrainingApprovalsTraining.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            74 807 EmployeeAddSecurityGroup.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            51 883 EmployeeCreatePartyAttribute.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            58 303 EmployeeCreateUserLogin.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            84 588 EmployeeEditEmployeeLeaves.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            71 838 EmployeeEditEmployeeQuals.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            53 638 EmployeeEditEmployeeSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            51 301 EmployeeEditPartyAttribute.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            73 366 EmployeeEditPersonalInformation.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            70 326 EmployeeEditUserLogin.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            60 894 EmployeeEmployments.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            56 940 EmployeeFindEmployee.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           106 087 EmployeeLeave.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            38 612 EmployeeListEmployments.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            63 828 EmployeeListEmplPositions.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            45 033 EmployeeNewEmployee.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           115 534 EmployeeNewEmployee.png
13/09/2012  19:55            95 524 EmployeePartyPartyContentScreen.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            54 072 EmployeePayrollHistory.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            73 648 EmployeePositionEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            67 253 EmployeeProfile.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            80 842 EmployeeProfileEditPersonalInformation.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            71 256 EmployeeProfilePerson.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           128 141 EmployeeProfileTest.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            79 378 EmployeeQualfication.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            56 940 EmployeesFindEmployee.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            63 174 EmployeeSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            98 422 EmployeesMain.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            65 118 EmployeeTraining.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            93 143 EmploymentAgreementEmploymentApp.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 299 EmploymentApplicationNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           111 976 EmploymentApplicationSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 445 EmploymentCreateEmployment.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            79 736 EmploymentCreatePartyBenefit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            73 977 EmploymentcreateUnemploymentClaim.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            58 353 EmploymentEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            95 339 EmploymentEditAgreementEmploymentAppls.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           117 628 EmploymentEmplPositionView.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            90 103 EmploymentMain.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            47 088 EmploymentNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            40 019 EmploymentNewEmployment.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            89 225 EmploymentNewEmployment.png
13/09/2012  19:55            79 724 EmploymentPartyBenefits.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            56 112 EmploymentPayHistories.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            96 664 EmploymentPayrollPreferences.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            91 982 EmploymentSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            83 520 EmploymentUnemploymentClaims.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           111 874 FindEmployeeSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            76 263 GlobalHRSettingsEditEditSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            60 487 GlobalHRSettingsEditPositionTypes.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            99 848 GlobalHRSettingsEditQualificationGroups.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            98 163 GlobalHRSettingsEditQualifications.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           117 682 GlobalHRSettingsEditSkillGroups.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           149 273 GlobalHRSettingsEditSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            80 409 GlobalHRSettingsEmployeeLeaveType.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            77 968 GlobalHRSettingsJobInterviewType.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            23 309 GlobalHRSettingsMenu.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            60 769 GlobalHRSettingsPayGradesEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 530 GlobalHRSettingsPayGradesNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            69 092 GlobalHRSettingsPayGradesSalaryStep.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            76 761 GlobalHRSettingsPayGradesSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            60 020 GlobalHRSettingsPositionTypeEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 445 GlobalHRSettingsPositionTypeNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            88 727 GlobalHRSettingsPositionTypeRates.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            79 333 GlobalHRSettingsPositionTypeSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            79 745 GlobalHRSettingsPublicHoliday.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            70 506 GlobalHRSettingsReasonType.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            88 340 GlobalHRSettingsResponsibilitylTypes.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            83 031 GlobalHRSettingsSkillTypes.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            64 209 GlobalHRSettingsTerminationReason.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            70 209 GlobalHRSettingsTerminationTypes.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            82 900 GlobalHRSettingsTraininClassType.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           216 768 HelpPerformanceReview1.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           308 538 HelpPerformanceReview2.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           372 639 HelpRoadmap.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           148 565 HROrganizationProfile.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            71 966 Introduction.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            59 349 LeaveApproval.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            97 920 LeaveApprovalSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            66 481 LeaveEmployeeEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            56 468 LeaveEmployeeNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            86 328 LeaveEmployeeSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            35 186 MainCompanyTreeView.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            80 358 NewEmployee.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            57 197 OFBizMainScreen.gif
13/09/2012  19:55             3 485 ofbiz_logo.gif
13/09/2012  19:55           114 230 OrganizatinMain.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            28 318 PartyManagerAddPartyRelationship.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           121 046 PartyManagerPartyFinancialHistory.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            65 644 PerformanceReviewEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            52 138 PerformanceReviewEditPerfReview.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            72 319 PerformanceReviewEditPerfReviewItems.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           249 935 PerformanceReviewHelp1.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            60 942 PerformanceReviewItem.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            99 832 PerformanceReviewNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            90 206 PerformanceReviewNew.png
13/09/2012  19:55            74 802 PerformanceReviewSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            71 302 PositionEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            63 075 PositionFulfillments.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           105 749 PositionMain.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            57 819 PositionNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           102 287 PositionReportingStruct.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            68 346 PositionResponsibilities.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           123 829 PositionSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            99 013 PositionSummary.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            93 130 PositionSummaryReportingStruct.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            46 242 QualificationsCreatePartyQual.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            87 017 QualificationsEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            84 138 QualificationsFindPartyQuals.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            56 355 QualificationsNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            56 355 QualificationsNewPartyQual.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            84 138 QualificationsSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            89 426 RecuritmentFindApprovals.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 668 RecuritmentFindInternalJobPosting.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 668 RecuritmentFindJobInterview.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            91 025 RecuritmentFindRelocation.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            52 097 RecuritmentInternalJobPostingNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            75 849 RecuritmentInternalJobPostingSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            76 404 RecuritmentJobApprovalSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            73 065 RecuritmentJobInterviewEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            64 468 RecuritmentJobInterviewNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            86 263 RecuritmentJobInterviewSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            75 565 RecuritmentJobPostingSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            81 454 RecuritmentJobRelocationSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            55 668 RecuritmentJobRequisitionApply.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            76 702 RecuritmentJobRequisitionEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            65 688 RecuritmentJobRequisitionNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           104 256 RecuritmentJobRequisitionSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            47 336 ResumeEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            46 762 ResumeNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            69 710 ResumeSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            35 219 SkillsAddEmployeeSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            68 568 SkillsEdit.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            69 624 SkillsEditEmployeeSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           110 250 SkillsFindEmployeeSkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            57 509 SkillsFindPartySkills.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            47 342 SkillsNew.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            35 219 SkillsNewPartySkill.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           122 691 SkillsSearch.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            77 691 TrainingCalendar.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            97 165 TrainingCalendarAdd.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           102 032 TrainingCalendarAddParticipant.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           112 460 TrainingCalendarApprovals.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            43 397 TrainingCalendarEditTrainingApprovals.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55           111 599 TrainingCalendarFindTrainingStatus.jpg
13/09/2012  19:55            52 809 TrainingCalendarTrainingCalendar.jpg
             148 fichier(s)       12 150 157 octets

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26/09/2012  16:57            49 762 MANUFACTURING_BomSimulation.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            46 432 MANUFACTURING_CreateProductionRun.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            59 930 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendar.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            69 668 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendarExceptionDay.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            70 113 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendarExceptionWeek.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            83 905 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendarWeek.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            73 515 MANUFACTURING_EditCostCalcs.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           113 965 MANUFACTURING_EditProductBom.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           132 448 MANUFACTURING_EditProductionRun.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            67 983 
26/09/2012  16:57            44 656 MANUFACTURING_EditRouting.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            53 944 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingProductLink.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            61 874 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTask.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            66 723 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskAssoc.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            56 376 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskCosts.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            53 525 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskFixedAssets.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            36 207 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskProduct.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            60 789 MANUFACTURING_FindBom.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            54 051 MANUFACTURING_FindCalendar.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            82 767 MANUFACTURING_FindMrpPlannedEvents.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            64 622 MANUFACTURING_FindProductionRun.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            70 631 MANUFACTURING_FindRouting.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           127 927 MANUFACTURING_FindRoutingTask.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            51 149 MANUFACTURING_ListCalendarWeek.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            47 283 MANUFACTURING_ListRoutingTaskProducts.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            57 762 MANUFACTURING_main.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            25 967 MANUFACTURING_ManufacturingReports.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            35 511 MANUFACTURING_MrpExecution.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            64 559 
26/09/2012  16:57            66 879 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunAssocs.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            81 530 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunComponents.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            78 407 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunContent.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            94 047 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunCosts.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           122 771 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunDeclaration.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            94 261 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunFixedAssets.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           101 102 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunTasks.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            29 436 MANUFACTURING_WorkWithShipmentPlans.jpg
              37 fichier(s)        2 552 477 octets

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26/09/2012  16:57            49 179 MANUFACTURING_BomSimulation.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            42 583 MANUFACTURING_CreateProductionRun.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            49 782 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendar.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            60 881 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendarExceptionDay.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            59 272 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendarExceptionWeek.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            74 864 MANUFACTURING_EditCalendarWeek.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            74 596 MANUFACTURING_EditCostCalcs.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           119 329 MANUFACTURING_EditProductBom.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           139 453 MANUFACTURING_EditProductionRun.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            65 076 
26/09/2012  16:57            44 138 MANUFACTURING_EditRouting.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            55 483 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingProductLink.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            60 393 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTask.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            70 629 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskAssoc.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            54 221 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskCosts.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            55 587 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskFixedAssets.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            35 297 MANUFACTURING_EditRoutingTaskProduct.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            57 000 MANUFACTURING_FindBom.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            50 575 MANUFACTURING_FindCalendar.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            78 592 MANUFACTURING_FindMrpPlannedEvents.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            65 139 MANUFACTURING_FindProductionRun.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            70 572 MANUFACTURING_FindRouting.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           127 711 MANUFACTURING_FindRoutingTask.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            47 493 MANUFACTURING_ListCalendarWeek.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            45 736 MANUFACTURING_ListRoutingTaskProducts.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            61 465 MANUFACTURING_main.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            26 586 MANUFACTURING_ManufacturingReports.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            33 244 MANUFACTURING_MrpExecution.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            65 740 
26/09/2012  16:57            59 322 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunAssocs.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            71 983 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunComponents.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            69 973 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunContent.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            80 918 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunCosts.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57           126 255 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunDeclaration.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            85 500 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunFixedAssets.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            89 068 MANUFACTURING_ProductionRunTasks.jpg
26/09/2012  16:57            26 308 MANUFACTURING_WorkWithShipmentPlans.jpg
              37 fichier(s)        2 449 943 octets

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07/10/2012  19:38    <REP>          .
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22/09/2012  16:31            76 504 PROJECTMGR_EditProject.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            77 067 PROJECTMGR_FindResource.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31           116 583 PROJECTMGR_FindTask.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            73 441 PROJECTMGR_FindTimeSheet.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            50 691 PROJECTMGR_main.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            93 444 PROJECTMGR_MyTasks.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31           142 929 PROJECTMGR_projectView.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31           184 454 PROJECTMGR_RequestList.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31           225 073 requestlist.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            76 281 ROJECTMGR_EditSkillTypes.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            70 608 ROJECTMGR_FindProject.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31           109 154 ROJECTMGR_MyTasks.jpg
22/09/2012  16:31            81 875 ROJECTMGR_MyTimesheet.jpg
              13 fichier(s)        1 378 104 octets

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26/09/2012  17:08            25 960 manufacturing.xml
               1 fichier(s)           25 960 octets

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26/09/2012  17:08            28 867 manufacturing.xml
               1 fichier(s)           28 867 octets

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22/09/2012  20:32            14 199 project.xml
22/09/2012  20:32            14 460 projectmgr.xml
               2 fichier(s)           28 659 octets

     Total des fichiers listés :
             242 fichier(s)       19 273 439 octets
              32 Rép(s)  50 082 443 264 octets libres

Actually that's what I already reported after failing following the point 5 
> Proposal for a new help system
> ------------------------------
>                 Key: OFBIZ-4941
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4941
>             Project: OFBiz
>          Issue Type: Wish
>          Components: ALL COMPONENTS
>    Affects Versions: SVN trunk
>            Reporter: Jacques Le Roux
>            Priority: Minor
>             Fix For: SVN trunk
>         Attachments: docbook diff.patch, docbook-xsl-1.77.1.zip, 
> HelpAccounting.jpg, help_content.jpg, help_ofbizhelp.jpg, helppdf.zip, 
> HelpPerformanceReview1.jpg, HelpPerformanceReview2.jpg, HelpRoadmap.jpg, 
> help_webhlep.jpg, jh.jar, LICENSE.html, OFBIZ-4941 POC HR Help.patch, 
> WebhelpFiles.zip, WebhelpHRAppDocbook.zip, webhelp.jpg
> Quoting Tom Burns at OFBIZ-4869
> {quote}
> This is a status update just to let anyone who is interested know that this 
> item is being worked on.
> I started out using the OFBiz structure for help docs but after a while I 
> needed/wanted something more expressive.
> Here is what I wound up using for development:
>     Java Help System http://java.net/projects/javahelp/content
>     DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
>     http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/docbook.html
>     http://www.docbook.org/xml/5.0/
>     DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide
>     http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/index.html
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/files/docbook-xsl/1.77.1/docbook-xsl-1.77.1.zip
>     Help Master - FE for managing java help files. Best feature drag and drop 
> TOC creates TOC matching file folder structure. Convenient launcher for 
> viewing & testing. http://www.halogenware.com/software/helpmaster.html
>     XML Mind XML Editor - Free Personal Edition is far better then editing in 
> Eclipse. download from http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/download.shtml
>     Tutorial - DocBook editing with XML Mind XML Editor. Worth going through 
> http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/tutorial.html
>     Read Me First style guide from Sun (cost from Amazon 1 cent + shipping)
> Attached are some screen shots of the results.
> Every screen is/will be documented in a similar structure. This is as much 
> for defining requirements and testing as for help. More work but worth it.
> The screenshots show a Java Help format generated using DocBook XSL. This 
> will likely not be the final presentation format.
> Note the Performance Review screen shots do not match the trunk. There is a 
> bug in update screen and I did some clean up of labels and drop-down list. 
> There are issues like this all through the application so I did not want to 
> get bogged down with patches at this time.
> {quote}

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