Tom Burns wrote:
> All,
> Jacques and I have been working for some time on
> implementing a new help system for OFBiz based on the weblhelp component in 
> docbook-xsl-1.77.1
> (JIRA OFBIZ-4941 )
> For those who are interested there is a specification attached
> to OFBIZ-4941 "OFBiz Help Spec.pdf" in the ""
> and a demo implementation at:
> Jacques has upgraded the trunk content in 
> applications/content/template/docbook,
> which was a subset of docbook-xsl, to the
> latest release docbook-xsl-1.77.1 that contains the webhelp component.
> The following steps will complete the deployment:
> 1. Add content to a new folder applications/content/data/helpdata/docbookhelp
> 2. Add customizations to applications/content/template/docbook/webhelp
> 3. Modify framework/images/webapp/images/fieldlookup.js and header
> files in the themes folders.
> The solution transforms docbook files and deploys a website for each 
> component documented
> in the docbookhelp folder using the ant build file in 
> applications/content/template/docbook/webhelp/build.xml.
> The design does not integrate the webhelp build.xml with the OFBiz 
> global-build system.
> My preference is to distribute the webhelp web-sites pre-built so help
> works OOTB.

Of course, I second Tom on this choice.
See our discussion about it at the bottom of the related Jira


> If changes are made then it is the responsibility of the
> help developer to run webhlep ant task as needed. The basic change path would 
> be to
> make a change to a docbook file then run an ant task. The web site is updated 
> with
> out requiring a server restart.
> I have committed to doing an "as is" migration of
> the current help information and providing how to wiki files for authors and
> developers after the initial implementation. To date humanres, accounting,
> projectmgr, manufacturing_en and manufacturing_nl
> have been migrated. Help content not migrated will work as before.
> Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or
> reservations about completing the deployment as described.
> Cheers,
> Tom

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