Hi all,

I have a problem with i18n: I have extended the "AgreementType" Entity
by simply adding some new Agreement Types:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <AgreementType agreementTypeId="ABC_AGREEMENT"
description="Agreement" hasTable="N" parentTypeId=""/>
        <AgreementType agreementTypeId="AGRMNT_PRTNR" description="Partner
Agreement" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="ABC_AGREEMENT"/>
        <AgreementType agreementTypeId="AGRMNT_SPPRTR" description="Supporter
Agreement" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="ABC_AGREEMENT"/>
        <AgreementType agreementTypeId="AGRMNT_SPNSR" description="Sponsor
Agreement" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="ABC_AGREEMENT"/>
        <AgreementType agreementTypeId="AGRMNT_THR" description="Other
Agreement" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="ABC_AGREEMENT"/>

Now I want the descriptions to be translated by using the following
code in freemarker:

<#list agreementTypes as agreementType>

If I now provide properties in "PartyEntityLabels.xml", the correct
translations are shown after rendering the page. However, if I put the
same properties in a separate map file "AgreementLabels.xml" in my
hotdeploy folder, and add this resource to to the map in the action
section, there is no longer any translation of the new values, but
only the previously contained agreement types are translated.

How can I translate my own values without mixing my translations of my
own agreement types with those of ofbiz?

Thank you.

Best regards,

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