I have added a new feature to my product, a new screen for uploading an
excel spreadsheet and a zipped file.

The excel sheet is used for storing product information and the zip file
should contain images for each product.

Spreadsheet parsing for the creation of products had already been
implemented as part of a scheduled job. But for that to happen, excel sheet
has to be kept in a location inside server. But I have made it more
flexible by allowing user to upload an excel sheet.
The next part is uploading images for each product. User has to create a
folder which contains image file for each product which has been mentioned
in excel. The name of image file should be product id. I use file type as
normal. When a zip file is uploaded, it will be extracted in server and
each image will be stored in respective image sever path.

I would like to see this feature as part of Ofbiz. If you also find this
useful please let me know so that I can check in my changes.


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