GSoC is coming, and ideas are listed in Jira.

Maybe we could create an issue on this point and have a student make a POC
based on some framework like bootstrap ?


2013/3/22 Ean Schuessler <>

> I would like to see a deep refactoring of the UI. Ideally, it should be
> separated into two distinct components, a view renderer and a series of
> authenticated services that support it. It is about time for us to step
> into the modern world where the UI is an application, written in
> Javascript, that communicates with the application using JSON or XML RPC
> calls. If rendering for javascriptless clients is really still a priority
> then we might want to look at using rhino or nashorn in the server to do
> the same rendering there but, fundamentally, move to a javascript based
> view rendering solution. The interactivity and fluidity of a properly AJAX
> based interface is part of what makes us look so dated compared to
> solutions like OpenERP.
> We also need to completely reconsider the UI experience. The interface is
> overwhelming to new users. If we could have a role based method for hiding
> controls then we could have a "beginner" user mode that greatly simplified
> core screens. A basic drop-ship ecommerce user doesn't need to see billing
> accounts, facilities and a lot of the other complexity on the product
> screens. Our order entry process is also rather clunky, even in comparison
> to older systems like SQL-Ledger.
> ----- "Jacopo Cappellato" wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > this is just intended to brainstorm some ideas for the future OFBiz
> (let's say for the 14.04 branch) and to get the community feedback... I
> don't have concrete plans at the moment for most of them
> > Some of the ideas below are intended to renew some core parts of the
> OFBiz Framework, replacing custom code (some of getting old) with Open
> Source alternatives; some of them are just cleanups.
> > * Replace the OFBiz TX Manager and the Database Connection Pool
> (Geronimo TX and DBCP, well... they actually can stay as optional
> components) with:
> >
> > (see initial work on )
> > * Refactor the OFBiz Security
> (authentication/authorization/cryptography) with (a session I attended
> during ApacheCon@Portland inspired me for this):
> >
> > * Replace Javolution (this has been already discussed in the past)
> > * Replace the OFBiz cache system with:
> >
> > * Replace the OFBiz job scheduler with:
> >
> > * Reorganize the screen data preparation Groovy scripts into bigger
> files with methods (they are now individual files); for example, instead of
> having:
> >
> applications/product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/product/EditProductAssoc.groovy
> >
> applications/product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/product/EditProductContent.groovy
> >
> applications/product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/product/EditProductContentContent.groovy
> >
> applications/product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/product/EditProductFeatures.groovy
> > ...
> > we could have one file:
> > applications/product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/EditProduct.groovy
> > with methods:
> > editProductAssoc, editProductContent, editProductContentContent,
> editProductFeatures...
> > (note: this switch is possible since the enhancements we did one year
> ago); this could make our code more readable and organized without loosing
> the ability to override individual scripts from hot-deploy components; in
> the process, we could also review the scripts and clean them or improve
> (some of them are pretty old)
> > * (in the process) we could also refactor the code of the Groovy scripts
> to use the (now experimental and to be tested/expanded) DSL methods we
> implemented one year ago
> > Kind regards,
> > Jacopo
> --
> Ean Schuessler, CTO
> 214-720-0700 x 315
> Brainfood, Inc.


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