Am 10.04.2013 04:38, schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
What do you intend to do exactly?
In first step I would add "missing" lang entries for German
(eCommerce component) and add a patch to JIRA issue.
I guess that the number of lang etntries for every particular language
should be the same for all languages.
(maybe with some exceptions like for eg. for de_DE, de_CH etc.
Both are German but may be country specific)

For minipromotext.ftl I have attached a patch already to the JIRA issue.
I have notice that the "older" demo shop (link on the OFBiz site) seems
to have such patch already.

BTW, no needs to broadcast to the 2 MLs. For such cases dev is enough.
Thank you for the hint and sorry .. I did it to involve also OFBiz users
as not all of them are on dev ML.
Do you think that new JIRA entries (one for every OFBiz comonent)
are most comfortable for devs?

regards, Mark




From: "Mark Schneider"<>
Am 08.04.2013 22:13, schrieb Christian Geisert:
Am 07.04.2013 18:08, schrieb Mark Schneider:

Are you interested in some cosmetic pachtes like the one attached?
(to get more common look for all subscreens of ecommerce)


Further I could add some non-existing UiLabels for German to/for
(in case you are interested)
Absolutely ;-)
It looks like there is some need for cleaning action in eCommerce for
all languages:

awk -F\" '/lang=\"/ {print $2}' EcommerceUiLabels.xml | sort -u | \
xargs -iX awk '/lang=\"X/ { X_count +=  1 };  END {print "lang_X
UiLabels\t= " X_count; }' EcommerceUiLabels.xml

lang_ar UiLabels        = 1
lang_cs UiLabels        = 63
lang_da UiLabels        = 291
lang_de UiLabels        = 267
lang_en UiLabels        = 326
lang_en_GB UiLabels     = 11
lang_es UiLabels        = 210
lang_fr UiLabels        = 301
lang_hi_IN UiLabels     = 191
lang_it UiLabels        = 297
lang_ja UiLabels        = 198
lang_nl UiLabels        = 293
lang_pt UiLabels        = 351
lang_pt_BR UiLabels     = 293
lang_pt_PT UiLabels     = 57
lang_ro UiLabels        = 227
lang_ru UiLabels        = 230
lang_th UiLabels        = 248
lang_vi UiLabels        = 315
lang_zh UiLabels        = 589
lang_zh_TW UiLabels     = 298

Not only in eCommerce (s. attached file UiLabels_overview.txt)
for Y in `find ./ -name "*UiLabel*"`; do echo -e "\n$Y"; awk -F\"
'/lang=\"/ {print $2}' $Y | sort -u | xargs -iX awk '/lang=\"X/ {
X_count +=  1 };  END {print "lang_X UiLabels\t= " X_count; }' $Y; done
There are also some typos like:

Do you think I should open some JIRA issues? .. eg. like one per component.

Who can help to unify all these UiLabels? ;)

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