While working on the entity engine code, I noticed what appeared to be a flaw in the entity cache implementation. So, I wrote a unit test to confirm my suspicion and the test confirms the flaw. There is a possibility it is a design "feature" so I'm asking for help here.

Here is the test code:

        // Test entity condition cache
EntityCondition testCondition = EntityCondition.makeCondition("description", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "Testing Type #2"); List<GenericValue> testList = delegator.findList("TestingType", testCondition, null, null, null, true); assertEquals("Delegator findList returned one value", 1, testList.size());
        testValue = testList.get(0);
assertEquals("Retrieved from cache value has the correct description", "Testing Type #2", testValue.getString("description"));
        testValue = (GenericValue) testValue.clone();
        testValue.put("description", "New Testing Type #2");
testList = delegator.findList("TestingType", testCondition, null, null, null, true); assertEquals("Delegator findList returned empty list", 0, testList.size());

The last assert fails - indicating a stale cache.

Am I correct or am I missing something?


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