I think it would be nice to use both something like description="${id} - 


On Apr 14, 2013, at 6:58 AM, Medhat AbdelBadie wrote:

> Hi,
> When open "Look up Product and Price" Look up which is reached by the
> following Steps:
> Order >> Quotes >>  find Quote or create new Quote >> Quote Items >> Create
> New Quote Item >>  open look up beside "Product Id"
> The Combo Box "Primary Product Category Id" Contains many empty options
> when scroll down inside the Combo Box.
> This is because Combo box displays data in the "DESCRIPTION" field in the
> entity "ProductCategory" Which maybe contains empty values in many records.
> To solve this issue, I am suggesting the following:
> In the File : /applications/product/widget/catalog/FieldLookupForms.xml
> at lines 144 - 150,
> 144    <field name="primaryProductCategoryId">
> 145        <drop-down allow-empty="true">
> 146            <entity-options description="${description}"
> entity-name="ProductCategory" key-field-name="productCategoryId">
> 147                <entity-order-by field-name="description"/>
> 148            </entity-options>
> 149        </drop-down>
> 150    </field>
> Add the following line after line 146
> *<entity-constraint name="description" operator="not-in" value="'',''"/>*
> Then the above code snippet becomes:
> 144    <field name="primaryProductCategoryId">
> 145        <drop-down allow-empty="true">
> 146            <entity-options description="${description}"
> entity-name="ProductCategory" key-field-name="productCategoryId">
> 147                *<entity-constraint name="description" operator="not-in"
> value="'',''"/>*
> 148                <entity-order-by field-name="description"/>
> 149            </entity-options>
> 150        </drop-down>
> 151    </field>
> This will remove any empty "DESCRIPTION" field's value from being listed in
> the Combo Box.
> This behavior is existing on "demo-trunk" and  ofbiz version 12.04.01.
> What you think about that ?
> Regards,
> Medhat

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