This sounds wise to me, indeed we can't really envisoin what we will have in 1 
year, unless we try to plan something, even roughly. For instance something 
like the slim down action, which I believe is done now, right?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] New way for releases scheduling

> Until now the creation of a release branch every year made sense and the 
> 09.04, 10.04, 11.04, 12.04 and 13.07 look very different ones from each other.
> Sometime during the Spring-Summer of 2014 we could compare the trunk with the 
> 13.07 release branch and decide what to do; if they don't look very different 
> we could check again in 6-12 months or so.
> In short, I agree with the idea that a release branch should be created only 
> if it is significantly different from the previous one (and this has been 
> always true till now); however I think that a yearly check to see if a 
> release branch should be created is a good thing, if it doesn't imply that we 
> have to create a branch each year.
> Regards,
> Jacopo
> On Aug 9, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> 
> wrote:
>> It seems we are all almost on the same page. I will wait a bit more for 
>> other opinions, vacations time...
>> Jacques
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Adrian Crum" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 4:31 PM
>> Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] New way for releases scheduling
>>> Thanks Scott. I agree with you.
>>> -Adrian
>>> On 8/6/2013 6:53 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>> My opinion is that we should release whenever we (the community) feel the 
>>>> features added since the last release warrant it.  There's no point in 
>>>> making releases if they add little value on the previous and there's no 
>>>> point in waiting some arbitrary amount of time before releasing good 
>>>> features.
>>>> User's aren't obligated to upgrade every year just because we release 
>>>> something.  It only ever makes sense if the release holds more value to 
>>>> them than the cost of upgrading.  So at a minimum an upgrade would only be 
>>>> needed every 3 years (and only if the user didn't have the resources to 
>>>> manually backport security/stability fixes) based on the current release 
>>>> schedule.
>>>> In general though I agree we could increase our maximum wait between major 
>>>> releases to something more than a year.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 7/08/2013, at 1:02 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> For some days now, I was thinking about a "new way of releasing" (only 
>>>>> schedule related). I thought about it while looking by chance at release 
>>>>> strategies of few other Apache projects. Notably how they plan things...
>>>>> Today, a reminder poped up for the "End of month: Main New Features" mail 
>>>>> I send every end of month. I believe there were not much, if any, main 
>>>>> new features last month, but it reminded me about the ideas I had on 
>>>>> releases scheduling.
>>>>> My proposition is to not release each year but every 2 or, preferred, 3 
>>>>> years. Here are the reasons:
>>>>> 1) There are less and less new features, so there are less needs to 
>>>>> distribute often (ie every year)
>>>>> 2) Security and bug fixes can still be done with new minor releases
>>>>> 3) Users can still grab new features they want from trunk as long as they 
>>>>> are well documented in main new feature page (maybe we should add there 
>>>>> the revs #)
>>>>> PROS:
>>>>> * This has the obvious advantage of removing some release burden (mostly 
>>>>> done by Jacopo these days, thanks to him)
>>>>> * But not only, it's also easier for users. Because moving from one 
>>>>> release to the other each year is not very easy for a project. For some 
>>>>> project it takes sometimes a year, if not more, to stabilize. And moving 
>>>>> from an older release is even harder (see for instance recent Skip's from 
>>>>> 9 to 12 experience)
>>>>> * If they want new stuff they can always use trunk. I believe people are 
>>>>> now more interested in stability and security than new features; because 
>>>>> OFBiz is mature.
>>>>> * We will more follow how most Apache projects evolve (most don't do 
>>>>> major releases each year). And it should be easier to plan things 
>>>>> (something we really lack, something users can refer to), like some other 
>>>>> Apache projects do.
>>>>> * Since we decided to let alive only the 3 last releases, this would 
>>>>> greatly increase the  releases life span...
>>>>> * Because we decided to remove specialpurpose from releases, new 
>>>>> components should not be a problem (this suppose no new applications 
>>>>> level components, but anyway read below about this convention)
>>>>> CONS:
>>>>> * Less features each year, need to wait more for that, but anyway still 
>>>>> availabe from trunk
>>>>> I can't see anything else, I must miss some CONS points :).
>>>>> What do you think? Of course this would not be set  in stone. If a major 
>>>>> new feature needs to be released, the convention could be left aside for 
>>>>> a new major release.
>>>>> Jacques

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