I have spent some time reviewing a part of the code and I have a few comments 

On Feb 25, 2014, at 10:48 PM, Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jacopo,
> I also would like to understand what that means. And what I don't
> understand I can't recreate it also.

the main design around the entities in the org.ofbiz.tenant group is the 
following: one separate small database is created to host all and only the 
org.ofbiz.tenant entities: these entities contain meta-data information for all 
tenants (url, db user and password to get access to each tenant db).
The patch you have proposed, by removing the org.ofbiz.tenant group, has the 
effect of moving these entities to the main OFBiz database: could you please 
check if you see these entities in your local box (with your patch applied)? 
Also, could you please check the content of these entities in the tenant 
specific databases and in the main database?

> As far as conditions go, I will elaborate here under what conditions we
> have tested the patch.
> We created a virtual test setup consisting of 1 webserver (Apache HTTP) and
> 1 app server (consisting of Apache OFBiz, set up against derby) whereby the
> connection and traffic between the 2 servers was with and through the AJP
> protocol.
> In that setup we created 5 tenants (with ./ant create-tenant).
> And without the patch we tested all tenants accessing various apps and
> components with Apache JMeter (and scripts). This included accessing
> various functions in webtools as well.

Are you saying that when you log in into Webtools with a tenantId you actually 
see the data from the main database rather than the data from the tenant 
specific db only? Is this happening for all the entities or just (as I suspect) 
for the entities in the org.ofbiz.tenant group?


> Subsequently, we implemented the patch and ran the same tests again. Again
> we had no problems accessing the various apps and components. The only
> thing we didn't succeed in was accessing Tenant and TenantDataSource, when
> being logged in as a tenant super-user.
> However, when logged in as the admin of the master (without tenantId) we
> were abel to access those entities and its data.
> Both situations, being able to access the two entities and the data when
> logged in as master admin and not being able to when logged in as a
> tenant-admin, are as to be expected.
> Now, I don't know what that means when having set up the domain name for a
> tenant as the means to access the tenant environment. Apparently that has
> been developed to have a unique uri per tenant. But we never have had any
> use for that as we in our 3-tier productions setups have it as described as
> above. This avoids us having to set up internal dns records to point to
> specific tenants to connect to the app server.
> Pierre Smits
> *ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> Based Manufacturing, Professional
> Services and Retail & Trade
> http://www.orrtiz.com

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