Ok done :)

Le 28/09/2014 06:49, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Done, you can edit now. Welcome in Confluence Nicolas.

When you will need access to other Confluence spaces, just ask...
So can I have commiter access to Jira ? I will need assign some issue to me ;)



Le 27/09/2014 21:33, Nicolas Malin a écrit :
Hello, it's possible to have a write access on this page https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/OFBiz+Committers+Roles+and+Responsibilities ?

Else the link associate to "Committers should set up their SVN client to use the official OFBIZ Subversion client configuration file <http://svn.ofbiz.org/svn/ofbiz/trunk/website/svn/config>" follow "http://svn.ofbiz.org/svn/ofbiz/trunk/website/svn/config"; instead of http://ofbiz.apache.org/svn/config


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