
Le 27/10/2014 11:18, Gavin Mabie a écrit :
Julien, Taher

You're both making good points.  I like the generic approach proposed by
Julien, but this could well be a longer term objective.  In fact starting
with Bootstrap does not necessarily imply that other frameworks will be
excluded. Also, inline with Adrian's comment, we should stay away from the
core framework as far as possible for now and focus on the MacroLibraries
as defined in  This is not to say that there will not be
any modifications to the framework - there might well be.
There is enough interest in Bootstrap to suggest that we start with it as a
way forward.
I agree, create a new clean design pattern was a suggestion. When I start bootstrap modifications, I don't think the team will grow as fast ! So for the first step we will focus on bootstrap and keep in mind about others frameworks. Modifications must be done once. I mean if we change something, take care to not do it specifically for bootstrap :)

1. I therefore agree with Taher that we create the following setup under
the images app to begin with.
I'm not sure that putting bootstrap in the framework is a good thing. Maybe it could be better to embedded bootstrap in the theme folder.
   I believe that this will be within the
frontendNewTheme branch alluded to by Jacques.

├── css/
│   ├── bootstrap.css
│   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   ├── bootstrap-theme.css
│   └── bootstrap-theme.min.css
├── js/
│   ├── bootstrap.js
│   └── bootstrap.min.js
└── fonts/
     ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
     ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
     ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
     └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff

2. Create a new theme component as an Admin Template app - I suggest
that we clone Tomahawk. Maybe we can call it Vanilla Bootstrap.
I prefer "Bootstrap basic" but that doesn't mind :)

3. Add screens and widgets to the new app - much like the current
Example app.  This can be used as an admin template -See

4. Like the Example app we can use the Admin Template app to demo
I think it's a good idea, it could be very useful !

5.  The Admin Template app is used in the normal way, i.e, create jiras etc.



If this approach is acceptable then someone with the appropriate
credentials can get the ball rolling by completing step 1.



On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Julien NICOLAS <>

Hi Taher,

Le 26/10/2014 12:50, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :

Hi Julien, everyone!

I suggest we move forward in this project. First things first, we need to
integrate bootstrap into the framework. So I think the following steps are
to be done next:

1- copy the resources to the images component (CSS, JS, and Fonts) and
include them in the base CommonScreens.xml

I think it could be better to use themes for that. The goal is to allow
including any others CSS/HTML framework (like Zurb framework).

2- Repeat step 1 above to SASS (thank god Bootstrap move away from LESS)

I don't know how the CSS pre-processor could work in OFBiz Framework.
Could you explain how we will use it ?

3- Ensure that our jQuery dependencies are adequately met

We can then have a few test screens to make sure everything is working
or less!

Julien, can we proceed with the above suggested? Do we need to open the
JIRA first, and who should do that?

I was thinking that we start with following points that you already
suggest as first steps :

- Identify the major milestones or objectives
- Discuss and decide upon the best methodology for implementation of the
above objectives
- Decide on a collaboration platform (in addition to what exists) if any.
- Dive into code directly and just hand off tasks to volunteers who find
them interesting / appealing from the team

I think that we are already in the first step "Identify the major
milestones and objectives".

It could be a good thing if any volunteers explain his opinion about

I'm not sure to push bootstrap as the main CSS/HTML framework of OFBiz is
the best way. I would prefer to work to allow any CSS/HTML framework
working with OFBiz thanks to themes manager (suggested by Richard Siddall In this way we can solve
issues like this Jira

In my opinion, objectives are :
     - Identify how to modify framework to allow bootstrap working
(bootstrap included in a theme)
     - Create bootstrap basic theme
     - Modify framework for working with bootstrap (or other framework)
     - identify all screens that are not working and correct theme or ofbiz

Taher Alkhateeb.

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

  It is important to understand the screen widget architecture:
Widget Models -> Renderer -> FreeMarker Macros -> HTML + CSS (or CSV,

The Widget Models and Renderer are output agnostic - they don't "know"
what type of output is being generated. So those artifacts do not need to
be changed to support Bootstrap.

The only things that need to be changed to support Bootstrap are the
FreeMarker macros - so that they output Bootstrap HTML + CSS instead of
current OFBiz-specific HTML + CSS.

You can still use the visual themes functionality, but they will be
different themes - since the HTML being styled is completely different.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 10/23/2014 10:29 PM, Florient wrote:

  Hi Julien, Adrian, Community,
Le 23/10/2014 08:46, Adrian Crum a écrit :

  On 10/23/2014 7:12 AM, Julien NICOLAS wrote:
  For this point I suggest to work on this way : Create tool to delegate
HTML widget structure (and other structure) into theme framework.
To be clear, I suggest to not integrate bootstrap only but modify the
framework to allow any other HTML/CSS frameworks integration without
modifying the OFBiz framework.
But we'll do it for bootstrap first.

You don't need to modify the framework. The screen widgets allow you
to substitute alternate macros for the rendering engine. See

Adrian Crum

  correct me if I'm wrong,
but if we use widget's properties, we will not be able to provide a
hot-swap between them, except by creating new output type.
It sounds like duplicate each actual view-map definition using 'screen'
type to the new one, as the CSV rendering.
or am I missing the way that widget allow us to substitute macros
rendering ?


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