Enter works here. There is also no button in Firefox search bar, for instance.

Adding an option for all workspace is a good idea. But the only way I know for that is to have favourites Confluence workspaces (obviously here OFBiz ones) where to search.
AFAIK favourites workspaces are only available to Confluence profiles. I guess 
you see the problem.

We "recently" discussed the idea of grouping all Confluence workspaces in one. But this means a lot of restructuring effort, when we only are slowly revamping the doc...
This could be done after this phase...


Le 08/11/2014 13:04, i...@agentur-m3.de a écrit :
The search function in
seems not work.
There is no button to submit a search input
and pressing ENTER does not submit the search.

It would be helpful to search all sources with
one search function.

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