We aim to move all documents to the open wiki (the OFBIZ confluence workspace, here it's OFBTECH closed workspace) now that anyway you need to be a contributor to edit and this can be traced (no spams anymore).

But this will take time to organise things well. In the meantime you might add 
a comment (you can use Confluence formatting) and we will integrate it :)



Le 05/12/2014 12:22, gil portenseigne a écrit :
Hi all,

I wanted to edit the following page : 

To add some basic infos fo form widget i18n (FormFieldTitle, EntityLabels...) 
but it seems that i'm not allowed, is that normal ?

Is that the good place ?


PS : i did already have send this email with my gmail account, seems not manage 
to go to this mailing list...

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