I would like your guidance on the jira OFBIZ-5853

To sum up, when I converted the crud service I had a doubt on createPartyRole that tested if the partyRole exists before creation. I doubt because most call of this service test this existence and there is another service "ensurePartyRole" that realize exactly the same process.

But as Hans pointed out, the conversion change the service (and he is right!). So we have some different way : * revert the crud service createPartyRole, keep the same method createPartyRole and ensurePartyRole and developer select that he like * Keep like this, createPartyRole use the coherence of create crud service and we use ensurePartyRole when we need check before a creation * like above but we can change all createPartyRole call encapsuled by a check direclty by ensurePartyRole * Other idea, maybe I misunderstood something and you have a good suggestion to go back.

Please address :)



Nicolas Malin - Consultant - 06 17 66 40 06 - nereide.fr <http://nereide.fr>

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