On 17/02/2015 3:54 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Le 16/02/2015 23:36, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
I would love to see the test plan for the order module!

What is the best guess as to the coverage of the current test suites for OFBiz (percent of functions tested)?

We where near to have those information daily, but I had to give up https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-3590

Maybe you can rejuvenate it in OFBiz, then we could try to use ASF-Sonar...

I had a look at the Party seed and demo data and the test data and hardly any of the party entities exist with enough attributes to be useful in any kind of test of functions related to parties.

Another reason to split out the demo data into a separate project.
It looks like a lot more hands are required just to build seed data, demo data and test data/scripts.

As said Pierre, nothing prevents anybody to contribute with the current configuration, just create Jiras and attach patches

People commit to projects with a vision and plan.
I also want to make this a collaborative effort with more than just my ideas considered. It should be something that is an on-going effort even if people come and go.



On 16/02/2015 4:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Here is an example: applications/order/testdef/data/QuoteTestData.xml


Le 16/02/2015 19:57, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
Is there any test data for the system?

The demo data (that I have found) does not contain most of the fields available for each entity type.

I have been looking for Person entities and have not found anything that looks like a full profile.

I have looked in Party, Human resources and Manufacturing.

Is there a place where developers get the data to run acceptance tests?

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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