I was just trying to point out that we are not the only Apache project that is grappling with the build process.

If we ever decide to support the framework as a separate product, the question of Maven Central comes into play.

I don't see any useful way or need to include OFBiz as a whole as a dependency in another project.

If there is a major restructuring of the project into modules that stand alone more naturally, this might become an issue. A custom version could pull all of the modules that are not modified from Maven Central as dependencies and only build the modules that are custom.
This would make life easier and speed up the build a lot.
It would make it a lot clearer about where the customization was done and likely simplify testing.

Currently, I am sure that for OFBiz, being able to deploy to Maven Central does not have the same importance as it does to the FOP and XMLGraphics teams (none vs a lot).


On 23/04/2015 11:11 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
As for deploying of artifacts, I've already done a "mvn install" locally, which copies the built files into $HOME/.m2/; so I know that eventually when everything is done, we could deploy into the global shared repo.

On 04/22/2015 09:03 PM, Ron Wheeler wrote:

Just to let everyone know that we are not the only people working on a switch to Maven. The Apache FOP team is also trying to see what the impact would be of switching to Maven.

Being able to put libraries in Maven Central more easily seems to be a hot topic. Building the appropriate artifacts seems to be hard using their existing build tools.

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On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Luis Bernardo <lmpmberna...@gmail.com <mailto:lmpmberna...@gmail.com>> wrote:

   Maybe I only spoke for myself, but I am in: +1

    From what I understand publishing the source jars to maven central
   would be automatic then, since there is some plugin for that. Given
   the fact that I have spent many hours adapting the Batik ant file to
   produce the source jars for maven central (I am still in the process
   of checking the result is correct) any steps that help with that in
   the future (be either for FOP or Batik) are welcome.

that's my exact thinking; one reason we have historically done a poor job of maven deployment is because we aren't using maven; switching to maven will make that a no-brainer and ensure correct deployment

   On 4/22/15 6:35 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:

    On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Luis Bernardo
    <lmpmberna...@gmail.com <mailto:lmpmberna...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I think that maven will be embraced as soon as there is a
        volunteer to do the transition.

    A few years ago I went through the process of creating a full
    maven configuration for FOP; however, the group was not ready to
    make the transition at that time.

    I have recently converted another multiple-module internal project
    to maven from ant, and would be able to repeat the process on fop.
However, I don't want to do it unless there is support to switch over.

        On 4/22/15 6:13 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:
        on another point, when can we transition to maven? our ant
        configurations are difficult to maintain and understand; we
        should modernize

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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