Have you done a lot of branding and customizing the output from DITA-OT?

I have not done anything yet but I will need to do this to make a nice looking manual. I want to do a bit of branding and I need to change the fonts in my code examples since most don't fit the width of the blocks and the font and colors are not very attractive in my opinion.


On 05/06/2015 9:15 AM, Taher Alkhateeb wrote:
Hi Ron,

DITA-OT ! :)

Taher Alkhateeb

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ron Wheeler" <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>
To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
Sent: Friday, 5 June, 2015 4:13:39 PM
Subject: Re: References for DITA as a tool for on-line help

What tools are you using?


On 05/06/2015 4:38 AM, Taher Alkhateeb wrote:
Great resources Ron. Thank you for sharing. FYI I find DITA-OT to be nice and 
powerful. I'm beginning to do some of our own documentation on it.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ron Wheeler" <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>
To: "dev" <dev@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, 4 June, 2015 6:14:56 PM
Subject: References for DITA as a tool for on-line help

Slideshare has a lot of other presentations on DITA

Short with Hello World example

Alternatives for producing on-line help - DocBooks and DITA considered
together since they are closely related

http://www.ditawriter.com/sample-dita-produced-output/ Has links to
actual documents produced from DITA sources.

exhaustive article on ways to deliver help authored by DITA tools. It
shows that an investment in DITA content will always be protected even
if the OFBiz UI and help delivery technology changes.

Table of Contents
*Introduction to the DITA Help Best Practices Guide*

*Developing DITA-based Help for Existing Help Environments*
-Arbortext Digital Media Publisher
-Eclipse Help
-CSHelp Plug-in
-Eclipse_CSH Plug-in for Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help
-Eclipse Help
-Leximation AIR Help Plug-in
-Microsoft HTMLHelp
-Context-Sensitive Help using the Enhanced HTML (htmlhelp2) Plug-In
-The DITA Open Toolkit HTMLHelp Transform

*Developing Custom DITA-based Help Systems**
*-DHTML Effects in HTML Generated from DITA
-DITA-OT Plug-ins
-HTMLSearch Plug-in
-TOCJS and TOCJSBIS Plug-ins
-Dynamic Rendering of DITA into XHTML
-JavaScript-Based Context Sensitive Help
-WinANT Options Supporting HTML-Based Output
-WinANT Options Supporting Microsoft® HTML Help

*Developing DITA-based Help for Existing Help Authoring Tools**
*-Converting DITA Content to WebHelp using RoboHelp®

There are a lot more articles on using DITA content in On-line help.

The same content is available for other uses.


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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