
发件人: Adrian Crum [mailto:adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com] 
发送时间: 2015年10月15日 21:59
收件人: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
主题: Re: Why A Framework Rewrite Is Necessary

Keep in mind that much of David's code in OFBiz has been rewritten. So 
yes, we CAN do a better job than him. Also keep in mind that Moqui 
duplicates some of the problems I listed - so by using Moqui, we keep 
the same problems instead of fixing them. On the other hand, it is 
David's responsibility to fix them, not ours.

If we created a sub-project, then we would have the opportunity to 
review committer permissions and perhaps restrict access to the new code.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 10/15/2015 6:34 AM, Al Byers wrote:
> I was waiting for someone to bring this up. David Jones created Moqui with
> the same end in mind that the rewrite is meant to accomplish. Do you think
> that you will do a better job than him? Even if you could, would it be so
> much better that it warrants the effort that it would take?
> Is this a political thing? I don't know that David would give up control of
> Moqui Core and I, for one, would not want him to. So many of OFBiz's
> problems are the result of ineptitude on the part of committers who did not
> know what they were doing (like me.) But I don't know that the Core will
> change all that much going forward and there should be places in the Mantle
> to contribute and, most certainly, in the Crust.
> I know that there were some valid questions about licensing and project
> management, but I would think that they could be worked out.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:46 AM, Hans Bakker <h.bak...@antwebsystems.com>
> wrote:
>> Why not skip this step, using moqui which is already up and running and
>> then as Adrian states as a next step: applications could be pulled down and
>> adapted to it.
>> Hans
>> On 15/10/15 16:51, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> I'm in the same mood than Paul and Scott. So a sub-project could indeed
>>> be a solution.
>>> Jacques
>>> Le 15/10/2015 03:11, Adrian Crum a écrit :
>>>> I agree that a sub-project would be nice to have. Once the new framework
>>>> is up and running, applications could be pulled down and adapted to it.
>>>> Adrian Crum
>>>> Sandglass Software
>>>> www.sandglass-software.com
>>>> On 10/14/2015 5:53 PM, Ron Wheeler wrote:
>>>>> This seems to be very good advice.
>>>>> A completely separate sub-project under OFBiz with its own mailing lists
>>>>> would keep the people together yet all allow the new framework the
>>>>> flexibility to move forward.
>>>>> Ron
>>>>> On 14/10/2015 8:27 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>> My advice is as follows:
>>>>>> 1. If people are interested, then get them together and start working
>>>>>> on it.
>>>>>> 2. Find somewhere to do the work.  I don't think a branch is
>>>>>> appropriate
>>>>>> because it's completely new development rather than a refactoring.  I
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> have any objections to it being done under the ASF OFBiz umbrella
>>>>>> (although
>>>>>> I don't really see the need either).
>>>>>> 3. Set up a separate mailing list for discussion.  Generally I'd try
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> keep quiet about it in the early stages on the dev/user lists or other
>>>>>> marketing channels because it could potentially harm adoption of our
>>>>>> existing framework (think AngularJS 2.0).
>>>>>> There really isn't any need to get early stage sign-off from the PMC or
>>>>>> anyone else in the community.  You only need enough PMC approval to
>>>>>> get the
>>>>>> required infrastructure sorted, which I don't think would be an issue.
>>>>>> >From there, it's really up to the community to decide whether or not
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> thing will fly.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>> On 15 October 2015 at 08:21, Adrian Crum
>>>>>> <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I understand that Sharan brought up the framework rewrite subject at
>>>>>>> ApacheCon, and some attendees felt that the framework is fine and no
>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>> needs to be taken.
>>>>>>> In this message, I will try to give a detailed explanation of why a
>>>>>>> framework rewrite is necessary. I don't plan to take any further
>>>>>>> action on
>>>>>>> this subject, because I've brought it up before without success, and
>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>> tired of discussing it. It is my hope that the light bulb will click
>>>>>>> on in
>>>>>>> someone's head and they will take action.
>>>>>>> My Background
>>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>>> I became a member of the OFBiz community in 2004. I immediately
>>>>>>> started
>>>>>>> making contributions to the project by supplying patches to the issue
>>>>>>> tracker. In 2007, I became a committer. Most of my initial work was
>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>> UI and some work in the applications (mainly Asset Maintenance and
>>>>>>> Work
>>>>>>> Effort). I stayed away from touching the framework code because it was
>>>>>>> deep, dark, and scary.
>>>>>>> Eventually, I started to understand how the framework code works and I
>>>>>>> made some minor modifications. As my understanding grew, I progressed
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> rewriting large swaths of framework code - making it thread-safe,
>>>>>>> fault
>>>>>>> tolerant, efficient, and easier to use.
>>>>>>> I will list some of my contributions here, so everyone can have a
>>>>>>> clear
>>>>>>> understanding of my experience with the framework code:
>>>>>>>       New Features
>>>>>>>           User Preferences
>>>>>>>           Visual Themes
>>>>>>>           Custom UI Label XML File Format
>>>>>>>           Temporal Expressions
>>>>>>>           Data Type Conversion Framework
>>>>>>>           Screen Widget Boundary Comments
>>>>>>>           Metrics
>>>>>>>       Integrations
>>>>>>>           UEL
>>>>>>>           iCalendar
>>>>>>>           JSR 223
>>>>>>>           WebDAV
>>>>>>>           LDAP
>>>>>>>       Refactorings/Improvements
>>>>>>>           FlexibleStringExpander
>>>>>>>           FlexibleMapExpander
>>>>>>>           FOP Integration
>>>>>>>           FreeMarkerWorker
>>>>>>>           Date-Time Handling
>>>>>>>           Mini-language
>>>>>>>           Job Scheduler
>>>>>>> In addition, I have performed innumerable framework bug fixes.
>>>>>>> So, the contents of this message come from years of experience mucking
>>>>>>> about in the framework code.
>>>>>>> Okay, let's get started...
>>>>>>> Initial Problem Statement
>>>>>>> -------------------------
>>>>>>> In 2009, David Jones started a framework rewrite in a branch:
>>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ofbiz/branches/executioncontext20090716
>>>>>>> At the time, there was some agreement that a rewrite was necessary,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> there was disagreement as to how the rewrite should be incorporated
>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>> the project:
>>>>>>> https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ofbiz-dev/200908.mbox/%3c455601.62605...@web63102.mail.re1.yahoo.com%3E
>>>>>>> There were concerns that a rewrite would break backward compatibility.
>>>>>>> Work on the rewrite branch stopped. Eventually, Jacopo suggested the
>>>>>>> community be more accepting of backward-incompatible changes:
>>>>>>> https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ofbiz-dev/201004.mbox/%3cd24f129d-4f9f-444e-84af-aca46f499...@hotwaxmedia.com%3e
>>>>>>> Despite an effort to convince David to proceed with the framework
>>>>>>> rewrite,
>>>>>>> he ended up doing it in a separate project:
>>>>>>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ofbiz-dev/201104.mbox/%3c07565c88-4023-4d24-93a3-a4906e86f...@me.com%3E
>>>>>>> This page describes differences between OFBiz and Moqui, and within
>>>>>>> it you
>>>>>>> can extract information on the problems David was trying to solve:
>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/p/moqui/discussion/1086127/thread/4c52f240/
>>>>>>> There was an email he sent out on the OFBiz dev list where he listed
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> problems he saw in the framework, but I can't find it. The rest of
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> message will include the issues he mentioned (the ones I remember). I
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> in agreement with him at the time, and I still agree that a framework
>>>>>>> rewrite is necessary.
>>>>>>> The Problems
>>>>>>> ------------
>>>>>>> Code is scattered everywhere - due to an initial effort to make the
>>>>>>> framework modular. This causes serious problems. The mere fact that
>>>>>>> components like entityext and securityext EXIST makes it clear that
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> are problems - those components should not be there. Also, we run
>>>>>>> into the
>>>>>>> recurring problem of circular dependencies (component A will not build
>>>>>>> unless component B is built, and component B will not build unless
>>>>>>> component A is built).
>>>>>>> Bad separation of concerns. There are far too many examples of classes
>>>>>>> that try to be everything to everyone. This makes debugging
>>>>>>> difficult, and
>>>>>>> it makes maintenance/improvements a nightmare. [Using an analogy,
>>>>>>> consider
>>>>>>> an automobile design where a spark plug is not separate from a
>>>>>>> transmission. Instead, the automobile uses a spark-plug-transmission.
>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>> when the engine is running rough because the spark plug is bad, you
>>>>>>> have to
>>>>>>> replace the spark plug AND the transmission.] A good framework
>>>>>>> example can
>>>>>>> be found in my rewrite of the mini-language code. Originally, the
>>>>>>> models
>>>>>>> AND the script execution context both contained script behaviors -
>>>>>>> making
>>>>>>> debugging/improvements difficult. I changed it so only the models
>>>>>>> contain
>>>>>>> script behavior and the script execution context contains only the
>>>>>>> script
>>>>>>> execution state.
>>>>>>> Lack of good OO design. There are many places where a bit of framework
>>>>>>> functionality is contained in a single method that is hundreds or
>>>>>>> thousands
>>>>>>> of lines long. There is a term for that: Brittle Code. Code isn't
>>>>>>> reused.
>>>>>>> Instead, it is copy-and-pasted all over - so when a problem is found
>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>> C&P code, it has to be fixed in many places instead of one.
>>>>>>> Fail-slow design. There are a lot of places in low-level code where an
>>>>>>> error condition is encountered, but instead of throwing an exception,
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> error is ignored and maybe it is logged, or the code tries to "guess"
>>>>>>> at a
>>>>>>> solution and then provide an arbitrary default behavior. I've seen
>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>> developers struggle with debugging a problem because they didn't look
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> the logs, or because the error was not logged and there is no way of
>>>>>>> knowing what caused it. They end up spending hours single-stepping
>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>> code until it reaches the error.
>>>>>>> Out-of-date code. A good example is the use of Javolution. That
>>>>>>> library
>>>>>>> was beneficial in the Java 1.4 days, but it is not necessary today
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> of improved garbage collection. Another good example is DCL code. DCL
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> used extensively in OFBiz, but it is clearly documented to be an
>>>>>>> unreliable
>>>>>>> design (I can get it to fail 90% of the time). Some DCL code has been
>>>>>>> replaced, but a lot of it is still there.
>>>>>>> Portions of the API are overly complicated. Some methods require a
>>>>>>> collection of user-specified artifacts/arguments, which makes client
>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>> complicated and verbose. (David solved that problem with his Execution
>>>>>>> Context.) Portions of the API are cluttered with unnecessary
>>>>>>> "convenience
>>>>>>> methods" - making the API harder to learn and memorize. In some
>>>>>>> places, a
>>>>>>> domain-specific API is spread across instance methods and static
>>>>>>> methods
>>>>>>> and across different classes - making the API hard to understand and
>>>>>>> use.
>>>>>>> Yes, there can be good designs that require something like that, but
>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>> OFBiz framework, it exists because of a bad design, not a good one.
>>>>>>> Use of thread-local variables. This makes multi-threaded design
>>>>>>> impossible. The J2EE specification and the Servlet API require one
>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>> per request (and most J2EE libraries depend on that behavior), so the
>>>>>>> current design makes sense from a J2EE perspective, but what if I
>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>> want to run the framework in a J2EE container? Which leads to the next
>>>>>>> problem...
>>>>>>> Dependence on J2EE designs/APIs/libraries. There are developers in the
>>>>>>> Java community (myself included) who are beginning to question if
>>>>>>> J2EE is
>>>>>>> really necessary to run web applications. The folks at Atomikos are a
>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>> example. OFBiz does not use EJBs, so tying the framework to J2EE does
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> make sense. It would be better if the framework was designed to run
>>>>>>> outside
>>>>>>> a J2EE container, and then have container integration as an option.
>>>>>>> Configuration files are scattered everywhere. Anyone who has deployed
>>>>>>> OFBiz in a production environment will agree this is a problem. Try
>>>>>>> changing the HTTP/HTTPS and port settings - it is a nightmare. Some
>>>>>>> configuration settings are in nonsensical places.
>>>>>>> An abysmal lack of unit testing. I don't have an exact figure for code
>>>>>>> coverage, but my gut feeling is coverage is less than 10%. Basically,
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>> all have our fingers crossed - hoping that the framework code works as
>>>>>>> expected. This was made painfully obvious a while back when I was
>>>>>>> looking
>>>>>>> at some entity caching code and thought to myself "this code can't
>>>>>>> work."
>>>>>>> So I wrote some entity cache unit tests and confirmed that the entity
>>>>>>> cache
>>>>>>> had serious problems. Think about that - years passed with no entity
>>>>>>> cache
>>>>>>> unit tests and consequently we had no idea it wasn't working.
>>>>>>> Fix Versus Rewrite
>>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>>> Jira issues could be created for these problems and teams of
>>>>>>> developers
>>>>>>> could work to fix them.
>>>>>>> Or, we could create a branch and start over from scratch. This time
>>>>>>> around, there should be less push-back from people concerned about
>>>>>>> backwards compatibility. A rewrite offers the advantage of
>>>>>>> reconsidering
>>>>>>> everything - like API design, general problem solving, and new
>>>>>>> features.
>>>>>>> I created a Wiki page for a framework design:
>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/Another+Framework+Vision
>>>>>>> but there hasn't been much interest in it. If the community decides
>>>>>>> to go
>>>>>>> ahead with a rewrite, then please feel free to use the Wiki pages as a
>>>>>>> guide.
>>>>>>> Sandglass Foundation
>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>> Like David, I came to the conclusion that a framework rewrite would be
>>>>>>> easier outside the OFBiz community. So, I created my own library
>>>>>>> called
>>>>>>> Foundation:
>>>>>>> http://www.sandglass-software.com/products/sandglass/documents/Foundation_Brochure.pdf
>>>>>>> (PDF)
>>>>>>> and I only mention it here to stress how wonderful it can be to start
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> a clean slate and design an API that is concise yet powerful. (Please
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> not discuss Foundation here, contact me privately if you want more
>>>>>>> information.)
>>>>>>> Some examples of what can be done with a rewrite:
>>>>>>>       A single configuration file
>>>>>>>       Use ANSI/ISO SQL SELECT statement strings instead of constructing
>>>>>>> complicated Java structures
>>>>>>>       Simultaneous asynchronous queries
>>>>>>>       Relational integrity across multiple datasources
>>>>>>>       Multi-table SELECT across multiple datasources
>>>>>>>       Automatic and transparent row version control
>>>>>>>       Automatic and transparent multi-language datasource support
>>>>>>>       Abstract entities (similar to SQL user types)
>>>>>>>       Service engine throttling (protects against server
>>>>>>> over-utilization)
>>>>>>>       Simplified security (authorization) (
>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+Security+Redesign)
>>>>>>>       Pure interface-based API - so developers are free to modify
>>>>>>> framework
>>>>>>> behavior by using decorators
>>>>>>>       Thorough unit tests
>>>>>>> Benefits of a rewrite:
>>>>>>>       Reduced resource requirements (lower hosting fees)
>>>>>>>       Reduce application development time - due to a simplified API
>>>>>>>       Easier framework code maintenance
>>>>>>>       Better reliability
>>>>>>> Conclusion
>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>> Like I said at the start, this is all I will say about the subject.
>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>> done trying to convince everyone. I hope someone agrees with me and
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> are able to build support for the idea.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Adrian Crum
>>>>>>> Sandglass Software
>>>>>>> www.sandglass-software.com

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