
Jacques Le Roux edited comment on OFBIZ-6669 at 11/6/15 3:50 PM:

I reopen here to allow users to choose to not encode contents in  
*ContentWrapper classes as they already can with ContentWorker class using 
content.sanitize property. Actually I will use another content.encode property 
and will generalize by creating a new UtilCodec.HtmlEncoder.encodeOrNot() 
method and use it in  *ContentWrapper classes.

But the property should not in content application to not introduce a 
dependency from base, not sure where to put it apart in base itself (in a 
owasp.properties maybe) to avoid introducing a dependency in base wich is 
currently clean (deos not depend on another OFBiz component):
Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\bin\jdeps" build\lib\ofbiz-base.jar
ofbiz-base.jar -> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\jre\lib\jce.jar
ofbiz-base.jar -> not found
ofbiz-base.jar -> build\lib\ofbiz-base.jar
ofbiz-base.jar -> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\jre\lib\rt.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.component (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.security
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> org.ofbiz.base.config                              ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.container                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.string                         ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax
   org.ofbiz.base.concurrent (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.config (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax
   org.ofbiz.base.container (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> bsh                                                not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.rmi
      -> java.rmi.registry
      -> java.rmi.server
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> org.ofbiz.base.component                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.config                              ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.start                               not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax
   org.ofbiz.base.conversion (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> com.ibm.icu.util                                   not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.reflect
      -> java.math
      -> java.net
      -> java.nio
      -> java.nio.charset
      -> java.sql
      -> java.text
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> java.util.regex
      -> javax.sql.rowset.serial
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.crypto (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.nio.charset
      -> java.security
      -> java.security.spec
      -> java.util
      -> javax.crypto
      -> javax.crypto.spec
      -> org.apache.commons.codec.binary                    not found
      -> org.apache.commons.lang                            not found
      -> org.apache.shiro.crypto                            not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.lang (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind                     not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.annotation
      -> org.apache.commons.io                              not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.location (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.util
      -> org.ofbiz.base.component                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.metrics (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
   org.ofbiz.base.splash (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.awt
      -> java.awt.image
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> org.ofbiz.base.start                               not found
   org.ofbiz.base.util (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> bsh                                                not found
      -> com.ibm.icu.text                                   not found
      -> com.ibm.icu.util                                   not found
      -> com.thoughtworks.xstream                           not found
      -> com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters                not found
      -> com.thoughtworks.xstream.io                        not found
      -> groovy.lang                                        not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.ref
      -> java.lang.reflect
      -> java.math
      -> java.net
      -> java.nio
      -> java.nio.charset
      -> java.rmi.server
      -> java.security
      -> java.security.cert
      -> java.security.spec
      -> java.sql
      -> java.text
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> java.util.regex
      -> javax.naming
      -> javax.net.ssl
      -> javax.script
      -> javax.security.auth.x500
      -> javax.security.cert
      -> javax.servlet                                      not found
      -> javax.servlet.http                                 not found
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> javax.xml.transform
      -> javax.xml.transform.dom
      -> javax.xml.transform.stream
      -> org.apache.bsf                                     not found
      -> org.apache.bsf.util                                not found
      -> org.apache.commons.codec                           not found
      -> org.apache.commons.codec.binary                    not found
      -> org.apache.commons.io                              not found
      -> org.apache.commons.lang                            not found
      -> org.apache.commons.validator.routines              not found
      -> org.apache.logging.log4j                           not found
      -> org.apache.oro.text.regex                          not found
      -> org.apache.xerces.parsers                          not found
      -> org.apache.xerces.xni                              not found
      -> org.codehaus.groovy.control                        not found
      -> org.codehaus.groovy.runtime                        not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.component                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.config                              ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.conversion                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.collections                    ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.string                         ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.owasp.esapi.codecs                             not found
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.w3c.dom.bootstrap
      -> org.w3c.dom.ls
      -> org.xml.sax
      -> org.xml.sax.helpers
   org.ofbiz.base.util.cache (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap             not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> jdbm                                               not found
      -> jdbm.helper                                        not found
      -> jdbm.htree                                         not found
      -> jdbm.recman                                        not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.concurrent                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.util.collections (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> javax.el                                           not found
      -> javax.servlet                                      not found
      -> javax.servlet.http                                 not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.string                         ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.util.string (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> de.odysseus.el                                     not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.misc                                not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.tree                                not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.tree.impl                           not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.tree.impl.ast                       not found
      -> java.beans
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.reflect
      -> java.math
      -> java.net
      -> java.sql
      -> java.text
      -> java.util
      -> javax.el                                           not found
      -> javax.xml.namespace
      -> javax.xml.transform
      -> javax.xml.transform.stream
      -> javax.xml.xpath
      -> org.apache.xerces.dom                              not found
      -> org.cyberneko.html.parsers                         not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.collections                    ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
   org.ofbiz.base.util.template (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> freemarker.cache                                   not found
      -> freemarker.core                                    not found
      -> freemarker.ext.beans                               not found
      -> freemarker.template                                not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.util
      -> javax.servlet                                      not found
      -> javax.servlet.http                                 not found
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> javax.xml.transform
      -> javax.xml.transform.dom
      -> javax.xml.transform.sax
      -> javax.xml.transform.stream
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax

Other ideas?

was (Author: jacques.le.roux):
I reopen here to allow users to choose to not encode contents in  
*ContentWrapper classes as they already can with ContentWorker class using 
content.sanitize property. Actually I will use another content.encode property 
and will generalize by creating a new UtilCodec.HtmlEncoder.encodeOrNot() 
method and use it in  *ContentWrapper classes.

But the property should not in content application to not introduce a 
dependency from base, not sure where to put it apart in base itself (in a 
owasp.properties maybe) to avoid introducing a dependency in base wich is 
currently clean:
Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\bin\jdeps" build\lib\ofbiz-base.jar
ofbiz-base.jar -> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\jre\lib\jce.jar
ofbiz-base.jar -> not found
ofbiz-base.jar -> build\lib\ofbiz-base.jar
ofbiz-base.jar -> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\jre\lib\rt.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.component (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.security
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> org.ofbiz.base.config                              ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.container                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.string                         ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax
   org.ofbiz.base.concurrent (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.config (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax
   org.ofbiz.base.container (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> bsh                                                not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.rmi
      -> java.rmi.registry
      -> java.rmi.server
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> org.ofbiz.base.component                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.config                              ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.start                               not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax
   org.ofbiz.base.conversion (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> com.ibm.icu.util                                   not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.reflect
      -> java.math
      -> java.net
      -> java.nio
      -> java.nio.charset
      -> java.sql
      -> java.text
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> java.util.regex
      -> javax.sql.rowset.serial
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.crypto (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.nio.charset
      -> java.security
      -> java.security.spec
      -> java.util
      -> javax.crypto
      -> javax.crypto.spec
      -> org.apache.commons.codec.binary                    not found
      -> org.apache.commons.lang                            not found
      -> org.apache.shiro.crypto                            not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.lang (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind                     not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.annotation
      -> org.apache.commons.io                              not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.location (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.util
      -> org.ofbiz.base.component                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.metrics (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
   org.ofbiz.base.splash (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.awt
      -> java.awt.image
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> org.ofbiz.base.start                               not found
   org.ofbiz.base.util (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> bsh                                                not found
      -> com.ibm.icu.text                                   not found
      -> com.ibm.icu.util                                   not found
      -> com.thoughtworks.xstream                           not found
      -> com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters                not found
      -> com.thoughtworks.xstream.io                        not found
      -> groovy.lang                                        not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.ref
      -> java.lang.reflect
      -> java.math
      -> java.net
      -> java.nio
      -> java.nio.charset
      -> java.rmi.server
      -> java.security
      -> java.security.cert
      -> java.security.spec
      -> java.sql
      -> java.text
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> java.util.regex
      -> javax.naming
      -> javax.net.ssl
      -> javax.script
      -> javax.security.auth.x500
      -> javax.security.cert
      -> javax.servlet                                      not found
      -> javax.servlet.http                                 not found
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> javax.xml.transform
      -> javax.xml.transform.dom
      -> javax.xml.transform.stream
      -> org.apache.bsf                                     not found
      -> org.apache.bsf.util                                not found
      -> org.apache.commons.codec                           not found
      -> org.apache.commons.codec.binary                    not found
      -> org.apache.commons.io                              not found
      -> org.apache.commons.lang                            not found
      -> org.apache.commons.validator.routines              not found
      -> org.apache.logging.log4j                           not found
      -> org.apache.oro.text.regex                          not found
      -> org.apache.xerces.parsers                          not found
      -> org.apache.xerces.xni                              not found
      -> org.codehaus.groovy.control                        not found
      -> org.codehaus.groovy.runtime                        not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.component                           ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.config                              ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.conversion                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.collections                    ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.string                         ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.owasp.esapi.codecs                             not found
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.w3c.dom.bootstrap
      -> org.w3c.dom.ls
      -> org.xml.sax
      -> org.xml.sax.helpers
   org.ofbiz.base.util.cache (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap             not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> jdbm                                               not found
      -> jdbm.helper                                        not found
      -> jdbm.htree                                         not found
      -> jdbm.recman                                        not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.concurrent                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.util.collections (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.util
      -> java.util.concurrent.atomic
      -> javax.el                                           not found
      -> javax.servlet                                      not found
      -> javax.servlet.http                                 not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.string                         ofbiz-base.jar
   org.ofbiz.base.util.string (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> de.odysseus.el                                     not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.misc                                not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.tree                                not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.tree.impl                           not found
      -> de.odysseus.el.tree.impl.ast                       not found
      -> java.beans
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.lang.reflect
      -> java.math
      -> java.net
      -> java.sql
      -> java.text
      -> java.util
      -> javax.el                                           not found
      -> javax.xml.namespace
      -> javax.xml.transform
      -> javax.xml.transform.stream
      -> javax.xml.xpath
      -> org.apache.xerces.dom                              not found
      -> org.cyberneko.html.parsers                         not found
      -> org.ofbiz.base.lang                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.collections                    ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
   org.ofbiz.base.util.template (ofbiz-base.jar)
      -> freemarker.cache                                   not found
      -> freemarker.core                                    not found
      -> freemarker.ext.beans                               not found
      -> freemarker.template                                not found
      -> java.io
      -> java.lang
      -> java.net
      -> java.util
      -> javax.servlet                                      not found
      -> javax.servlet.http                                 not found
      -> javax.xml.parsers
      -> javax.xml.transform
      -> javax.xml.transform.dom
      -> javax.xml.transform.sax
      -> javax.xml.transform.stream
      -> org.ofbiz.base.location                            ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util                                ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.ofbiz.base.util.cache                          ofbiz-base.jar
      -> org.w3c.dom
      -> org.xml.sax

Other ideas?

> Possible static XSS issue with Content
> --------------------------------------
>                 Key: OFBIZ-6669
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6669
>             Project: OFBiz
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: content, order, party, product, workeffort
>    Affects Versions: Release Branch 12.04, Release Branch 13.07, Release 
> Branch 14.12, Trunk
>            Reporter: Jacques Le Roux
>            Assignee: Jacques Le Roux
>             Fix For: 14.12.01, Upcoming Branch
> I found a possible XSS attack through *ContentWrapper.java and ContentWorker 
> itself.
> Note that in supported releases it's hard to exploit, it's a Stored XSS 
> https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Types_of_Cross-Site_Scripting which means you 
> need 1st to somehow inject exploiting code in the DB.
> Issues in *ContentWrapper.java have already been fixed by changing the 
> ContentWrapper interface
> from
> {code}
>     public interface ContentWrapper {
>         public StringUtil.StringWrapper get(String contentTypeId);
>     }
> {code}
> to
> {code}
>     public interface ContentWrapper {
>         public StringUtil.StringWrapper get(String contentTypeId, String 
> encoderType) {
>     }
> {code}
> And changing the Category, Party, Product, ProductPromo, ProductConfigItem 
> and WorkEffort ContentWrapperS accordingly. This means to use 2 types of 
> encoderTypes: "html" and "url".
> The "html"  encoderType will be used for all ProductContentTypes but those 
> who contain URL in their ContentTypeIdS (actually end with, "_URL") which 
> will use "url" encoderType.
> It concerns not only the get() method but also methods like 
> getPartyContentAsText(), getProductContentAsText(), etc.
> It seems a big change but it's straightforward. It's now complete after 
> following commits in revisions (I hope I did not miss to report):
> trunk 1705329 1705417 1705427 1705532 1706159 1706162 1707857  1708930
> and related backports in R14.12 1705331 1705418 1705428 1705533 1706160 
> 1706163 1707858  1708931
> I have also committed a fix for ContentWorker. For that I have added 
> owasp-java-html-sanitizer-r239.jar and put a "content.sanitize=true" property 
> in content.properties with some explanations. The reason I put this property 
> is because the sanitizer does some (safe) changes which might be unwanted in 
> a context where you are "sure" no one can inject/exploit your DB.
> Here is for instance the changes the sanitizer does when rendering cmssite
> {code}
> @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
>  <body>
> -            <div id="header">
> +            <div>
>                  <h1>This is the header!</h1>
>              </div>
> @@ -27,34 +27,26 @@
>              <div>
>                <h1>Welcome to the CmsSite Home page.</h1>
> -              <center><table width="350"><tr><td>
> +
>                <p>
>                This is a site to demonstrate the CMS capabilities of OFBiz. 
> Its basic function is the editing of website text
>                inside a browser. If you want to edit the text you are reading 
> now, logon to the backend system, select the content component
> -              click on 'cmssite' in the website list and ten click on the 
> 'cms' button. There you see on the left hand side the tree of this website.
> -              If you click on 'homepage' then you can edit the content of 
> this page at the box in the r
> +              click on &#39;cmssite&#39; in the website list and ten click 
> on the &#39;cms&#39; button. There you see on the left hand side the tree of 
> this website.
> +              If you click on &#39;homepage&#39; then you can edit the 
> content of this page at the box in the r
>                </p>
>                <p>
>                This is only the basic function of the CMS which is part of 
> the content component. The content component is actually more than a
>                CMS it can also handle documents pretty well. An example is 
> the apache OFBiz document you can see when you click on the last option in 
> the list below.
> -              <p>
> -              </td></tr></table></center>
> -              <ul>
> -                <li><a href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_PAGE1">Demo Page 1 - 
> Hard Coded Link</a></div>
> -                <li><a href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_PPOINT/demoPage1">Demo Page 1 
> - Hard Coded Link using the Sub-Content Pattern</a></li>
> -                <li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_PAGE1;jsessionid=014BD837D7FFB6E0F8CB31AAF35092A0.jvm1">Demo
>  Page 1 - Dynamic Link</a></li>
> -                <li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_SCREEN;jsessionid=014BD837D7FFB6E0F8CB31AAF35092A0.jvm1">Demo
>  Page with screen widget and screen decorator</a></li>
> -                <li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_BLOG;jsessionid=014BD837D7FFB6E0F8CB31AAF35092A0.jvm1">Demo
>  Page with blog using screen decorator</a></li>
> -                <li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_TPL_DATA;jsessionid=014BD837D7FFB6E0F8CB31AAF35092A0.jvm1">Demo
>  Page with an xml resource formatted with a template ftl resource</a></li>
> -                <li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/PUBLIC_DOCS;jsessionid=014BD837D7FFB6E0F8CB31AAF35092A0.jvm1">The
>  ofbiz public documents</a></li>
> -              </ul>
> +              </p><p>
> +              </p>
> +              <ul><li><a href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_PAGE1" 
> rel="nofollow">Demo Page 1 - Hard Coded Link</a>
> +                </li><li><a href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_PPOINT/demoPage1" 
> rel="nofollow">Demo Page 1 - Hard Coded Link using the Sub-Content 
> Pattern</a></li><li><a href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_PAGE1" 
> rel="nofollow">Demo Page 1 - Dynamic Link</a></li><li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_SCREEN" rel="nofollow">Demo Page with screen 
> widget and screen decorator</a></li><li><a href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_BLOG" 
> rel="nofollow">Demo Page with blog using screen decorator</a></li><li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/CMSS_DEMO_TPL_DATA" rel="nofollow">Demo Page with an xml 
> resource formatted with a template ftl resource</a></li><li><a 
> href="/cmssite/cms/PUBLIC_DOCS" rel="nofollow">The ofbiz public 
> documents</a></li></ul>
>              </div>
> -
> -            <div id="footer">
> -                <h4>This is the footer!</h4>
> +            <div>
> +
>              </div>
> -            </body>
> -            </html>
> +
> +
> {code}
> I wonder why it removes the ids, "<center><table" and ending </body> and 
> </html>, but those guys know much more about XSS exploitation than me. As 
> explained at 
> https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Java_HTML_Sanitizer_Project :
>  * Actively maintained by Mike Samuel from Google's AppSec team!
> * Passing 95+% of AntiSamy's unit tests plus many more.
> * This is code from the Caja project that was donated by Google. It is rather 
> high performance and low memory utilization.
> Note that this does not affect the *ContentWrapper.java classes where we use 
> OWASP encoding and not sanitizer. The reason we need the sanitizer here is 
> because we are no only handling content but also HTML code...

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