Sorry to push you a bit more but what about ?
New features w/o security are not the most wanted ;)



Le 17/02/2016 17:57, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Sorry Jinghai,

I could not wait, I need to have the tests clean to move ahead. So I reverted 
r1730320 at r1730873


Le 15/02/2016 03:51, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
Thank you Jacques!

I'll check the problem you mentioned.

发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
发送时间: 2016年2月14日 22:12
主题: Re: svn commit: r1730320 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/solr: config/ home/solrdefault/conf/ lib/runtime/ servicedef/ src/org/ofbiz/solr/ webapp/solr/WEB-INF/lib/

Sorry Jinghai

With this commit a lot of tests don't pass
Must be related with the httpmime-4.4.1.jar change or a dependency on solr 
component, I did not check

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