I agree, it's easy et native to compare a null value instead of call a UtilValidate.isEmpty() method


Le 17/06/2016 16:30, Ratnesh Upadhyay a écrit :
Hello community,

There are lots of places in code where we have used
UtilValidate.isNotEmpty() or UtilValidate.isEmpty() for GenericValue object
. GenericValue is never empty. Its always null or not null. So should we
use directly null or not null check instead of UtilValidate.isNotEmpty()
and UtilValidate.isEmpty() for GenericValue objects ?

Basically these validation methods should preferably be used on Strings or
Lists and normal Maps.


Ratnesh Upadhyay
HotWax Systems | www.hotwaxsystems.com

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