+1 Amardeep.

Divesh Dutta.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Amardeep Singh Jhajj <
amardeep.jh...@hotwaxsystems.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Currently, OFBiz javascript code (except third party libraries) is not
> written with the best practices which can cause following problems -
> 1. Increases the code maintenance effort.
> 2. Impact page performance.
> 3. Present not good examples to new contributors which leads to C/P to
> various areas of js code.
> Here are things we should do for cleanup and improvements in js code.
> 1. Remove unused javascript code and files if any.
> 2. Use best practices for javascript coding to improve performance (I have
> listed some of it below).
> 3. Move utility js functions to one js file.
> 4. Remove deprecated code and use latest. For ex: We are still using
> "language='javascript'" attribute at script tag which is deprecated a years
> ago.
> 5. js should be loaded at bottom of the page, currently its in Header. Its
> a tedious task now to move it into footer because we have lot of js code
> inline in ftls.
> 6. js should not be written inline, it should be enough generic to be in
> minimum number of files and have generic code for doing the common set of
> operations over DOM.
> 7. Currently our macros of rendering pages has inline scripts, they can be
> moved to one macrorenderer.js with generic code as we can use classes, ids
> and data-attributes for doing any operation over html DOM.
> 8. After all cleanup work, we can think of build tool (like grunt) for
> various javascript build tasks (minification, concatenation of files) if
> needed. Its just a thought.
> I know its a huge effort and need to be done carefully. So before doing any
> major changes, I would like to start work with first 4 points.
> Here is the list of some best practices to start with:
> 1. Use [] Instead of New Array()
> 2. Long list of variables? Omit the "Var" keyword and use commas instead.
> 3. Reduce global variables
> 4. Use explicit blocks
> 5. Start blocks on the same line
> 6. Always, Always Use Semicolons - Having said that, this is a very bad
> practice that can potentially lead to much bigger, and harder to find,
> issues.
> 7. Optimize loops. Avoid calculating the length of array in for loop
> iteration.
> 8. Avoid multiple redundant jQuery DOM manupulation by saving reference to
> any object.
> 9. Try to use meaningful comments.
> 10. Many more.
> Here are some links of best practices information-
> https://www.w3.org/wiki/JavaScript_best_practices
> http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/580165/JavaScript-Best-Practices
> https://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html
> If everyone agrees, I would like to start on this work.
> Please let me know your thoughts on it.
> Thanks and Regards
> --
> Amardeep Singh Jhajj

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