I haven't looked at the gradle implementation much, do the jars not end up
somewhere within ofbiz after building?


On 30 August 2016 at 18:21, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>

> Hi,
> I just tried something which seemed very simple after reading Taher's
> suggestion
> in OFBIZ-7783
> "For example if your problem is simply that you cannot build on a
> disconnected computer even though the gradle cache is available then the
> solution is to issue the command ./gradlew --offline tasks-in-here. So one
> solution is to simply archive the gradle cache and restore it."
> in the "Should we do binary releases?" thread
> "You can also copy the .gradle cache from another computer and start using
> it with the --offline flag"
> My idea was to mix --offline with --gradle-user-home Gradle commands,
> because I wanted to do this on the same machine and did not know where to
> copy the .gradle cache (where the dependencies are)
> -g, --gradle-user-home  <->   Specifies the Gradle user home directory.
> The default is the .gradle directory in the user's home directory.
> So, *on the same machine*, I copied the cache (830 MB) from .gradle
> directory to another place (I picked the shortest one, ie c:\gradle). I got
> 9 issues with file names too long (was surprised about that since from the
> user's home directory they should be longer)
> Then tried to use "gradlew --offline -g c:\gradle ofbiz" but got a syntax
> error and Gradle began to download the Internet again:
> La syntaxe du nom de fichier, de répertoire ou de volume est incorrecte.
> "Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.13-bin.zip
> "
> I stopped. I guess I missed something, and rather decided to set the set
> GRADLE_USER_HOME to c:\gradle in the gradlew.bat script. but then got
> Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException:
> "c:\gradle"\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.13-bin\4xsgxlfjcxvrea7akf
> 941nvc7\gradle-2.13-bin.zip.lck (La syntaxe du nom de fichier, de
> répertoire ou de volumeest incorrecte)
> I then copied the missing wrapper folder in c:\gradle (400 MB). Despite
> Windows and its damned limitation on paths names,  it then worked perfectly
> well.
> But it's still disappointing because you have to copy 1,2 GB instead of
> 150 MB (160MB including OFBiz jars)
> So my next question: should we use that as an advice to our users who
> can't use Gradle on their production and alike machines, or should we try
> to refine and find a better option?
> Thanks
> Jacques

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