Committed in rev. 1760528


On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 3:33 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> In ContextFilter, the character encoding (aka charset) of every http
> *request* object is set using the WebAppUtil.setCharacterEncoding(...)
> method (see its logic here [*]).
> It is wrong to override the character encoding if already specified by the
> http request: in fact it doesn't make any sense to try to decode an http
> request, whose body content is encoded for example with ISO-8859-1, using
> the OFBiz system's default of UTF-8.
> I propose instead to set the character encoding to the system default
> (e.g. UTF-8) if and only if it is not set already by the client.
> Any comments before I commit this change?
> Kind regards,
> Jacopo
> [*] the logic of WebAppUtil.setCharacterEncoding(...):
> public static void setCharacterEncoding(ServletRequest request) {
>     String charset = request.getServletContext().getInitParameter("charset");
>     if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(charset)) charset = 
> request.getCharacterEncoding();
>     if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(charset)) charset = "UTF-8";
>     if (!"none".equals(charset)) {
>         request.setCharacterEncoding(charset);
>     }
> }

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