Hello Everyone,

I am thinking to make a change in document hierarchy for Business Process
and Use Case Library for Ecommerce ERP
<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/1gm8Ag>. I think we can rename it
for branch or release.
E.g. we can prepare first set of documents for branch Release 14.12. So the
document hierarchy will look like:

- Business Process and Use Case Library for Ecommerce ERP
-- Release 14.12
-- Release 16.12
-- and so on

So the idea is to dedicatedly build documents for specific branch or
releases. This way a set of the documents will be declared to be used for a
specific release being used. As we start preparing for the new release, we
can copy from old release and append the additions to it. We can then also
add test cases(with a mark of success or failure for each for all the
components) along with User Stories and Use Cases which will add more value
to it.

With its current name and structure it indicates, it's for trunk and having
it managed on release basis will bring in more attention to it.

Please let me know your thoughts on it. If no objections are seen I would
like to make this change in a day or two.

Best regards,

Pranay Pandey
HotWax Systems

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