Nice, I will try this, thanks for the sharing


Le 13/12/2016 à 20:42, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
Thank you Jacopo, this is an excellent idea and would substantially improve
our code base. I strongly urge anyone willing to help to speak up or start
issuing JIRAs. If anyone needs help in setting up the plugins or has any
questions please feel free to discuss them on this ML or HipChat.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

Hi all,

thanks to Gradle we have now an easy way to run source code analysis tools
on our codebase.
Tools like PMD and FindBugs generate useful reports containing pointers to
code that may need to be improved or fixed.
In fact I have executed them on trunk and I got reports with thousands of
"rule violations": some of them are probably false positives but others
really represent code that can be improved, simplified or, in some cases,

I think that it would be great if this community will work together to fix
as many defects as possible: it may lead to a cleaner codebase, may
increase the confidence of potential adopters that use these tools to get
some insight on our code quality, and may make it easier for new
contributors to help the project.

So here are the steps to quickly start the process:

1) get a clean checkout of the trunk

svn co

2) edit the build.gradle file to enable the PMD or FindBugs plugins.
For PMD you can add the following line to the file, after the other "apply
plugin" commands:

apply plugin: 'pmd'

For FindBugs add the following lines:

apply plugin: 'findbugs'
tasks.withType(FindBugs) {
     reports {
         xml.enabled false
         html.enabled true

Apply only pmd or findbugs, not both: the two tools provide different
analysis with plenty of defects but the two tools will spot the same ones
in most cases, so please choose the tool of your preference and then start
fixing the code.

3) run the analysis with the command:
./gradlew check

4) review the report;
for PMD the report is:
for FindBugs the report is:

5) fix some bugs and test; then go back to #3

6) create a patch and submit it to Jira, mentioning that it fixes defects
reported by PMD/FindBugs

Feel free to ask here any question!


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