Hi all,

I believe the treatment of accounting quantity for inventory items is
flawed. I'd like anyone with knowledge of this to review the following and
see if I have misunderstood anything. If I do understand correctly, I'll
create some Jira tickets in due course.

1. Why accounting quantity?

When inventory is received or shipped, there's an accounting transaction
that debits the inventory on hand value and credits Cost of Goods Sold

There's more than one way of deciding what value is added to COGS.

First and most obvious is the actual cost of the inventory item. But
companies may prefer other strategies. OFBiz has the option of three
others: average cost, first-in-first-out or last-in-first-out. There's a
nice survey of *why* you might choose one of these at
method-for-cost-of-goods-sold/, http://www.dummies.com/

Note that if you choose anything other than inventory item cost, the money
amount transferred to the COGS account may be *different* to the cost price
of the inventory items being shipped. When you choose FIFO or LIFO, the
amount may have originated from a different inventory item, received at a
different time.

2. Current situation in OFBiz

The cogsMethodId field in the PartyAcctgPreference entity is a enum with

The accountingQuantity field in the InventoryItem entity and
accountingQuantityDiff in the InventoryItemDetail entity track the quantity
of an item still "live" for the purpose of inventory valuation and COGS.

In the service createAcctgTransForShipmentReceipt implemented
in /applications/accounting/minilang/ledger/GeneralLedgerServices.xml

the accountingQuantity is always set to the same value as the quantity
received (i.e. the same as the quantityOnHand) for a newly received
inventory item regardless of the COGS method.

When items are shipped, the service
createAcctgTransForSalesShipmentIssuance will only reduce the accounting
quantity if the COGS method is FIFO or LIFO (http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/
GeneralLedgerServices.xml?view=markup#l1127). I can't find anywhere else
where the accounting quantity is reduced.

With FIFO, when an item is shipped, inventory items for the product with a
non-zero accounting quantity are found sorted from earliest to latest
received. The quantity of the item shipped must be decremented from the
accounting quantities, starting with the earliest. Similarly, with LIFO,
items are sorted from latest to earliest, and the latest item or items are

In other words, if you have chosen a COGS method of COGS_INV_COST or
COGS_AVG_COST, the accounting quantity is meaningless and in OFBiz as of
now, should be ignored.

And yet, the Inventory Valuation report uses accounting quantity,
regardless of the the COGS method (http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/
xml?view=markup#l535). In other words, the Inventory Valuation report is
broken for COGS methods of COGS_INV_COST or COGS_AVG_COST.

3. What should happen

I would argue that the Inventory Valuation report, and anybody else who
cares, should always be able to trust the accounting quantity. For
COGS_INV_COST and COGS_AVG_COST, maintaining the accounting quantity is
simple - it should just match the quantity on hand. I would argue it should
still be there, so the Inventory Valuation report works for COGS_INV_COST.

No matter what the COGS method, the total accounting quantity should always
be equal to the total QOH, regardless of the COGS method.

In addition, the Inventory Valuation report needs to be redesigned for the
average cost method. If you've chosen the average cost method, there is no
point in listing different inventory items. All inventory items will have
the same average cost, so I don't see the point in listing them
individually. Rather, lines in the report should just have the product and
the average cost.

Jira tickets https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5314 and
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5283 have some relevance to
this problem.


Paul Foxworthy

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192

Phone: +61 3 9585 6788 <+61%203%209585%206788>
Web: http://www.coherentsoftware.com.au/
Email: i...@coherentsoftware.com.au

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