
Yesterday during the birt improvement I run the ofbiz with the command under linux :

$./gradlew build ofbizBackground

After some tests I correct the java code and want to stop ofbiz

$./gradlew "ofbiz -d"

Gradle build ofbiz and says ofbiz down. But after a analyze

$ ps aux | grep java

mnicolas 14946  5.4  9.1 4669464 734960 ?      Sl   11:16   1:49 
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Xms128M -Xmx1024M 
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=FR -Duser.language=fr -Duser.variant -cp 

Hmm ofbiz wasn't down, I restarted the command, same result.

To solve I found two solutions :

* the Goodness kill command (he he he)

* Call directly the jar $java -jar build/libs/ofbiz.jar -d

I know that my call to ofbizBackground wasn't not a realistic production case, but I prefer to sharing this with the thinking about what is the best way to down ofbiz. Do we need use gradle but in this case why call build target, directly call the jar or by operating system order !

On the README.md whe have the example of gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown", please help me to found the better way :)


logoNrd <https://nereide.fr/>
        Nicolas Malin
The apache way <http://theapacheway.com/> : *Openness* Technical decisions are made publicly
8 rue des Déportés 37000 TOURS, 02 47 50 30 54

Apache OFBiz <http://ofbiz.apache.org/>|The Apache Way <http://theapacheway.com/>|ofbiz-fr <http://www.ofbiz-fr.org/>|réseau LE <http://www.libre-entreprise.org/>

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