Hi Scott,

Maybe I am not understanding your solution correctly, so I summarize what I

- Monitor all EntityCondition creations from
or EntityUtil.filterByDate
- If the query has a field called "fromDate" then log a warning and disable

If my above understanding is correct, then isn't that a bit strange? I mean
it seems to be quite a specific workaround as opposed to a generic
solution. Shouldn't we instead have something that works for all dates
instead of just specific dates with the name "fromDate" when compared with
current date / time?

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 2:10 AM, Scott Gray <scott.g...@hotwaxsystems.com>

> In the current project I'm working on I see a lot of developers making the
> mistake of caching date filtered queries.
> Why shouldn't you cache date filtered queries?
> 1. If you're filtering by the current moment in time then the results are
> irrelevant within a few moments of them being retrieved.  Some records may
> be due to expire and others (that were filtered out) may be about to become
> active.
> 2. Despite what I say in #1, there's a bug in the equals method of
> EntityDateFilterCondition where all instances appear equal so the cached
> result is never replaced until it is expired from the cache. So expired
> records remain and future dated records never appear until the TTL is
> reached.
> The correct approach is to not have a date filter in the query, cache the
> result and then filter the result in-memory using
> EntityUtil.filterByDate(). An alternative approach is to only filter by
> thruDate in the query since expired records will never become active, and
> then filter by fromDate after you have the result.  We have no utility
> tools in place for the latter approach though.
> I'm writing all this because I've written a checker for the entity list and
> object caches that inspect the query conditions for fromDate conditions and
> if found, log a warning and refuse to cache.  I'd like to add this safety
> feature to the OFBiz trunk but I'm wondering if anyone can think of a valid
> reason to cache fromDate filtered records? I haven't been able to think of
> any but that doesn't necessarily mean there aren't any use cases.
> Thanks
> Scott

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