

mbrohl$ ~/Projects/apache-ofbiz/ofbiz-tools/verify-ofbiz-release.sh apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip
md5 check of file: apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip
Using md5 file: apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip.md5
apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip: 05 77 C8 C4 1A 00 BE DC 8B 00 58 AE A0 93 70 12
apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip: 05 77 C8 C4 1A 00 BE DC 8B 00 58 AE A0 93 70 12
md5 checksum OK

sha check of file: apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip
Using sha file: apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip.sha
apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip: 089B9D51 96D5DC57 CC778522 084FE4E2 5AD8AAD7 34B05ED9 1C3EF965 42E90DFF 0FF6CC95 D8BD64DC 64FCB97C BB42B96F A1C9C4D4 E15D3E3F 1FFF54C9 05ED57B1 apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip: 089B9D51 96D5DC57 CC778522 084FE4E2 5AD8AAD7 34B05ED9 1C3EF965 42E90DFF 0FF6CC95 D8BD64DC 64FCB97C BB42B96F A1C9C4D4 E15D3E3F 1FFF54C9 05ED57B1
sha checksum OK

GPG verification output
gpg: Signatur vom Mi 21 Jun 15:53:36 2017 CEST mittels RSA-Schlüssel ID 847AF9E0 gpg: Korrekte Signatur von "Jacopo Cappellato (CODE SIGNING KEY) <jaco...@apache.org>" [uneingeschränkt]

./gradlew loadDefault testIntegration -> BUILD SUCCESSFUL

All tests pass.


Thanks and regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 21.06.17 um 15:41 schrieb Jacopo Cappellato:
This is the vote thread for the second attempt to release a new bug fix
release for the release16.11 branch. This new release, "Apache OFBiz
16.11.03" will supersede the recently published 16.11.02 release that was
affected by a major bug (OFBIZ-9410).

The release files can be downloaded from here:


and are:

* apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip
* KEYS: text file with keys
* apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip.asc: the detached signature file
* apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip.md5, apache-ofbiz-16.11.03.zip.sha: hashes

Please download and test the zip file and its signatures (for instructions
on testing the signatures see http://www.apache.org/info/verification.html).


[ +1] release as Apache OFBiz 16.11.03
[ -1] do not release

This vote will be open for at least 5 days, unless it is cancelled before.

For more details about this process please refer to: http://www.apache.org/

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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