Hi Nicolas,

Have you considered reusing / enhancing the ofbiz-component.xml model
or do you find it insufficient?

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 2:40 AM, Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> With the common-theme and my idea to implement a specific model to explain a
> theme, I would be sharing my recent think:
> This is an example of xml definition for the common-theme, I set a small
> description to explain each block
> ##################################
> <theme name="common"
>         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/widget-theme.xsd";>
>     <visual-themes><!--List of visual theme contains to this theme
> components-->
>         <visual-theme id="COMMON"/>
>     </visual-themes>
>     <widget-properties><!--Transversal properties relative to ofbiz widget
> component-->
>         <default-view-size value="20"/>
>         <autocompleter
>                 default-view-size="10"
>                 default-min-lenght="2"
>                 default-delay="300"
>                 display-return-field="true"/>
>         <lookup
>                 position="topleft"
>                 width="640"
>                 height="500"/>
>         <layered-modal
>                 width="800"
>                 height="600"/>
>     </widget-properties>
>     <theme-properties> <!--specific properties dedicate to this theme -->
>         <property name="jgrowl.position" value="center"
> type="String"/><!--possible value: top-left, top-right, bottom-left,
> bottom-right, center-->
>         <property name="jgrowl.width" value="800" type="Integer"/>
>         <property name="jgrowl.height" value="" type="Integer"/>
>         <property name="jgrowl.speed" value="100" type="Integer"/>
>     </theme-properties>
>     <templates><!-- Freemarker template use by this theme to render widget
> model-->
>         <template name="screen" type="html" content-type="UTF-8"
> encoding="none" encoder="html" compress="false">
>             <template-file widget="screen"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/HtmlScreenMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/HtmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="tree"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/HtmlTreeMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="menu"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/HtmlMenuMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>         <template name="screenxml" type="xml" content-type="UTF-8"
> encoding="none" encoder="xml">
>             <template-file widget="screen"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/XmlScreenMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/XmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="tree"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/XmlTreeMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>         <template name="screenxls" type="xls"
> content-type="application/vnd.ms-excel" encoding="none" encoder="html">
>             <template-file widget="screen"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/XlsScreenMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/XlsFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="tree"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/XlsTreeMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>         <template name="screenfop" type="xsl-fo"
> content-type="application/pdf" encoding="none">
>             <template-file widget="screen"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/FoScreenMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/FoFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="tree"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/FoTreeMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>         <template name="screentext" type="text" content-type="UTF-8"
> encoding="none">
>             <template-file widget="screen"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/TextScreenMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/TextFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="tree"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/TextTreeMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>         <template name="screencsv" type="csv" content-type="UTF-8"
> encoding="none" encoder="xml">
>             <template-file widget="screen"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/CsvScreenMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/CsvFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>             <template-file widget="tree"
> location="component://common-theme/template/macro/CsvTreeMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>     </templates>
>     <common-screens><!--list all common screen and decorator global to each
> application that each theme can be surcharge or not and use the screen
> present on common theme-->
>         <structural-decorator
> default-location="component://common-theme/widget/CommonScreens.xml">
>             <decorator name="GlobalDecorator"/>
>             <decorator name="LookupDecorator"/>
>             <decorator name="SimpleDecorator"/>
>         </structural-decorator>
>         <embed-decorator
> default-location="component://common-theme/widget/CommonEmbedScreens.xml">
>             <decorator name="FindScreenDecorator"/>
>             <decorator name="EditScreenDecorator"/>
>             <decorator name="ListAndEditScreenDecorator"/>
>         </embed-decorator>
>         <general-screen
> default-location="component://common-theme/widget/CommonDedicateScreens.xml">
>             <screen name="geoChart"/>
>             <screen name="EventMessages"/>
>             <screen name="countries"/>
>         </general-screen>
>     </common-screens>
> </theme>
> #######################################
> Now if I want create my specific theme with only some particularity on html
> rendering et some decorator I just define this :
> #######################################
> <theme name="mytheme"
>         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/widget-theme.xsd";>
>     <visual-themes>
>         <visual-theme id="MYTHEME"/>
>     </visual-themes>
>     <extend location="component://common-theme/theme.xml"/>
>     <theme-properties>
>         <property name="jgrowl.position" value="top-left" type="String"/>
>     </theme-properties>
>     <templates>
>         <template name="screen" type="html" content-type="UTF-8"
> encoding="none" encoder="html" compress="false">
>             <template-file widget="form"
> location="component://mytheme/template/macro/HtmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl"/>
>         </template>
>     </templates>
>     <common-screens>
>         <structural-decorator>
>             <decorator name="SimpleDecorator"
> location="component://mytheme/widget/MyDecoratorScreens.xml"/>
>         </structural-decorator>
>         <general-screen >
>             <screen name="EventMessages"
> location="component://mytheme/widget/MyTemplateScreens.xml"/>
>         </general-screen>
>     </common-screens>
> </theme>
> #######################################
> With the extend elemet, mytheme resolve all information from common-theme
> and surchage only what is define on his xml definition file.
> I think with this type of structure we can have :
> * a base de define a screen API for homogenise the IHM
> * permit to a theme to surcharge only what he want (template rendering,
> widget properties, screen present on API)
> * remove all theme resource information and load it direclty on the
> decorator (this slim the decorator complexity, slim data to load and make
> more easier to follow what implement a theme)
> If you have a few time to sharing your remark, It's the last big point to
> continue and maybe load the common-theme on trunk :)
> Nicolas
> --
> logoNrd <https://nereide.fr/>
>         Nicolas Malin
> The apache way <http://theapacheway.com/> : *Openness* Technical decisions
> are made publicly
> informat...@nereide.fr
> 8 rue des Déportés 37000 TOURS, 02 47 50 30 54
> Apache OFBiz <http://ofbiz.apache.org/>|The Apache Way
> <http://theapacheway.com/>|ofbiz-fr <http://www.ofbiz-fr.org/>|réseau LE
> <http://www.libre-entreprise.org/>

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