Hello OFBiz Enthusiasts,

I am working to rid OFBiz of Bugs using the help of a code analysis tool called 
FindBugs. With this, I find all kinds of peculiar code in the OFBiz project. 
This JIRA ticket describes further details about this effort: 

FindBugs pointed out to me that inside PayPalEvents#payPalIPN the method 
OrderChangeHelper.releaseInitialOrderHold is called. But looking at the 
implementation of the method, it only returns true  even though the parameters 
LocalDispatcher dispatcher and String orderId are handed over to the method. 
The same problem arises with OrderChangeHelper#abortOrderProcessing.

There doesn’t seem to be a ticket working on this issue. I am fairly certain, 
looking at the names of the methods, that something more should happen other 
than just returning true. Does somebody have an idea what is supposed to happen 
with these methods?

Thank you,
Kyra Pritzel-Hentley

ecomify GmbH
Bielefeld, Germany

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