
Sorry for the trouble, I was not sure whether this is the right group ask
this question about Olingo usage.

I am facing problem in parsing annotations from EdmEntitySet using Olingo /
Suppose I have below entity set defined in odata service

*<EntitySet Name="Photos"
* <Annotation Term="Org.OData.Core.V1.ResourcePath" String="Photos"/>*
* <Annotation Term="Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.SearchRestrictions">*
* <Record>*
* <PropertyValue Property="Searchable" Bool="true"/>*
* <PropertyValue Property="UnsupportedExpressions">*
* <EnumMember>Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.SearchExpressions/none</EnumMember>*
* </PropertyValue>*
* </Record>*
* </Annotation>*
* <Annotation

I am able to get this entity from the entity container but I also want to
capture the annotations defined with it. For example in this case I want to
know what are various *SearchRestrictions *on this entity set.
Can somebody please help to solve the problem.

Thanks & Regards
Ratish Bansal

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