hey guys,

in the wengine branched CAS-PGE, it supported staging the CAS-PGE's XML config file to tmp directory so it could be parsed and then processed and then the staged config file was copied CAS-PGE's working directory (had to be copied later since the working directory information is in the config file).  I think this should be something the resource manager should instead support... staging job binaries and config that is need to run the jobs would be a cleaner implementation than what wengine CAS-PGE does... CAS-PGE would still stage Products and ingest them itself (that is a CAS-PGE specified task), however the knowledge of getting CAS-PGE's configuration file which configures it should already be there when it runs... otherwise you kinda need configuration for CAS-PGE configuration (chicken and egg problem)... what you guys think?


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