Hey Lewis,

Yeah that was my bad I assume. No one really uses that code anymore
(at one point internally we used it at JPL when Sean Kelly was trying to
wrap File Manager in Jython so that we could have a Python FM server).
It actually really belongs in Agility (that's a separate issue), but
happy for you to leave it or fix it along the way.


On 3/23/13 2:14 PM, "Lewis John Mcgibbney" <lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com>

>Hi All,
>I recently came across [0], which as you can see (amongst others) has a
>hardcoded path to the luce-core dependency.
>As I am upgrading this library to 4.2.0, this is not ideal.
>I can manually change it and include it within my patch, but this seems
>more of a workaround than solution.
>Can someone please explain why these particular paths are hard coded?
>Thank you, have a great weekend

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