Sorry for the large text, it was a mistake.

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Rajith Siriwardana <> wrote:

> Following draft categorization, shows how the CLI commands and responses
> should be implemented. Grid info:
>    -
>    args: gmetad host, port, “--gridinfo” /“--summary”
>    -
>    response :
> summarized clusters: per cluster (name, owner, latitude & longitude,
> online Nodes, offline Nodes)
> Cluster info:
>    -
>    args : gmetad host, port, “--clusterinfo -name <cluster name>”
> (multiple clusters may be there by the same name, in that case all the
> same name clusters)
>    -
>    response:
>    Cluster name, owner, latitude & longitude, url, local time
>    Total CPUs, Total Disk, Total Memory
>    summarized Nodes : per node (name, IP,location, offline/online, load,
>    memory_free, disk_free)
>    (We can say a particular Node is offline by TN and TMAX value. gmetad,
>    a host is considered offline and is ignored if TN > 4 * TMAX.
>    source:
>    TN :  TN value is the number of seconds since the metric was last
>    updated
>    TMAX: The maximum time in seconds between gmetric calls
> Node info:
> From Node ID and ip we should be able to get status of a node.  I guess
> OODT “Node Id”  and the ganglia "host name" are the same.
>    - args: gmetad host, port, “-nodeId <node id>”
>    - args: gmetad host, port, “-nodeurl <node url>”
>    - response: Node info: Name, IP,(online/offline), reported, location,
>    gmond started, all 32 default metrics + added metrics
> Suggestions and your advices are warmly welcome.
> Thank you,
> Rajith

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