Thanks for that Chris. We'll go ahead and move forward with a roadmap telecon.

Based on the Doodle poll, then, the best time is Thursday, 2014-08-07 at 17:00 
UTC (12:00 eastern, 11:00 central, 09:00 pacific, 01:00 Japan).


I'll ask if we can use the board's line. If not, perhaps an employer or another 
can volunteer one.

Take care.

On 2014-07-31, at 12:43 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (3980) 
<> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I don't think there is a problem with having discussions on a telecon.
> The key distinction is to NOT make decisions on those telecons. Decisions
> are made on the ASF mailing lists. However, people talk outside of the list
> all of the time and it's not our goal to thwart all of those opportunities.
> We also here at the ASF are all about "trust" and "caring" behind people's
> intentions. Sean Kelly and Tom Barber have made every effort as far as I
> can
> tell to hold a Doodle poll, include people in multiple time zones, and have
> a chance for a discussion in real time that is often not possible. I say,
> have
> the discussion. Decisions are made/recorded, and *acted on* via our ASF
> mailing
> lists. So, I would say, do so.
> And if you do all those things, and then just follow up, I personally trust
> that you guys are doing the right thing and no one is doing anything
> nefarious here.
> Heck you have done a ton of things to discuss this telecon on the list,
> there are
> already several announcements of it, etc.
> I would for sure NOT get into the habit of doing this as the only modis
> operandi for
> communication but of course, no one is suggesting that.
> So, I would say, move forward, nothing much to see here. I will try my
> best to attend it
> but if I can't I trust you guys are doing the right thing and will take
> care of stuff
> on list as it should be.
> Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "" <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:33 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: OODT Roadmap Telecon
>> Folks:
>> Thanks for everyone for signing up at
>> to pick a time for an OODT Roadmap Teleconference.
>> Unfortunately, I've just received a reminder that discussion outside our
>> mailing lists is frowned upon as not being part of "the Apache Way"
>> (accountability and all that).
>> We could flaunt the policy and hold it anyway, but it might be better if
>> we were good Apache citizens and stick to this mailing list.
>> Comments?
>> --k

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