Ok....time for an audible.  Protoc needs to be built from source, no binary
distributions available.  Thus I am going to purge proto-buffers from the
new code and be done with it.

Any problem making the following classes/interfaces implement


Doing so would allow apache and native java serialization and thus we
wouldn't need something like proto-buffers.

Thanks Mike +1

Chris Mattmann

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Starch <starc...@umich.edu>
Reply-To: <dev@oodt.apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 12:31 PM
To: <dev@oodt.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Extra Compiler Tools

>Looks like you followed the same reasoning chain that I did.  Yes, I came
>to the same conclusion that ant-build was best.
>I wasn't sure how to download protoc, but you just answered that....so I
>think this is a great solution!
>On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Chris Mattmann <chris.mattm...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Mike,
>> Thanks for flushing this out.
>> My thoughts on the below:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Starch <starc...@umich.edu>
>> Reply-To: <dev@oodt.apache.org>
>> Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 12:12 PM
>> To: <dev@oodt.apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: Extra Compiler Tools
>> >I tried this approach. The plugin requires a path to the "protoc" tool
>> >thus a working installation.  This is what prompted the discussion.
>> Ah - no worries, what you could do is:
>> 1. only enable to plugin if -Pwith-mesos is enabled; and
>> >
>> >Running the plugin under a profile works.
>> Yep.
>> > However, not running the plugin
>> >causes compile errors in dependant code.  Excluding this code except
>> >within
>> >the profile doesn't seem to work, and is considered by some to be bad
>> >because there is nothing inside the jar file that notes which profiles
>> >were
>> >used to compile.
>> Got it. Suggestion here would be:
>> 2. create a new module, cas-resource-mesos, and inside of that module,
>> take one of the following approaches, assuming the module is activated
>> when -Pwith-mesos is enabled:
>> 2a. Maven Antrun like so (in this old example):
>> maven2-build
>> (pro: more flexibility in case protoc isn¹t there; to fail on error; to
>> only compile if
>> protoc is available
>> 2b. Maven protobuf plugin
>> http://sergei-ivanov.github.io/maven-protoc-plugin/usage.html
>> Here¹s how to enable a module with a profile:
>> ive-modules-by-profiles-in-maven/
>> It seems like that is a bad idea though, based on that discussion.
>> So, here¹s another option:
>> 1. Inside of cas-resource (no special new module or anything else)
>> 2. include some custom Ant magic via a build.xml file and the Maven
>> AntRun plugin:
>>   2a. test if protoc is on the system path, and if not, download it,
>> into the target directory (gets deleted on clean)
>>   2b. call protoc and compile after 2a
>> I would suggest this solution as I think it¹s the most robust and
>> we always have a cas-resource that includes mesos and compiled
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> >
>> >Any ideas on how to continue?
>> >
>> >Michael
>> > On Nov 5, 2014 11:04 AM, "Chris Mattmann" <chris.mattm...@gmail.com>
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi Mike,
>> >>
>> >> Great discussion. It would be nice if there was
>> >> a protoc Maven plugin:
>> >>
>> >> http://sergei-ivanov.github.io/maven-protoc-plugin/usage.html
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Looks like there is. My suggestion:
>> >>
>> >> 1. use a Profile, something like -Pwith-mesos and
>> >> then when activated;
>> >> 2. call the above plugin if -Pwith-mesos is activated
>> >> in the resource manager
>> >>
>> >> Sound good?
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Chris
>> >>
>> >> ------------------------
>> >> Chris Mattmann
>> >> chris.mattm...@gmail.com
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: Michael Starch <starc...@umich.edu>
>> >> Reply-To: <dev@oodt.apache.org>
>> >> Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 11:46 AM
>> >> To: <dev@oodt.apache.org>
>> >> Subject: Extra Compiler Tools
>> >>
>> >> >All,
>> >> >
>> >> >I am trying to integrate apache-mesos with our resource manager.
>> >>However,
>> >> >mesos uses a technology called "protobuff" from Google for
>> >> >marshaling/unmarshaling data.
>> >> >
>> >> >This requires running a tool called "protoc" to generate a source
>> >>in
>> >> >java.  What is the best way to integrate this step into our build
>> >>process?
>> >> >
>> >> >Options I can conceive of:
>> >> >   -Check in generated java file
>> >> >   -Require "protoc" installation to build resource manager
>> >> >   -Separate extra resource package into new module
>> >> >
>> >> >None of these ideas are very clean.
>> >> >
>> >> >Any other ideas?  I tried setting up a profile to only compile these
>> >> >sources when selected, but that turned out not to work.
>> >> >
>> >> >-Michael Starch
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

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