Yep I’ve been helping to fix the links too

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis John Mcgibbney <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 11:17 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Cutting over the website from

>I am very keen for this to go live.
>I know that Magicaltrout will put loads of time into the Website ;)
>Honestly though, Tom and myself sorted out the downloads page and a number
>of other places so really it is a case of linking it all up and we will be
>laughing our socks off followed by another flurry of rampant linking.
>On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (3980) <
>> wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>> I realize that the new version of the website that we built
>> during last summer for DARPA XDATA was not made “whole” vis-a-vis
>> the content currently on However, they
>> both can co-exist in SVN, at least until we push all of the content
>> over.
>> But I’m no longer of the opinion that that situation is a blocker
>> anymore. The new website can be updated using the ASF CMS by anyone
>> that reads the CMS documentation - and the CMS is more supported
>> than our current website process. Find out more about the Apache
>> CMS Here:
>> The new version of the website that OODT web site is here:
>> I figure if we publish it as our main site, we will force ourselves
>> to fixing all the bugs with it.
>> Considering how frequently our website is updated (compared to
>> the wiki), and in general who has knowledge or has ever published
>> our existing website (few) versus who has already
>> updated the CMS-based website (many), I wanted to gauge folks’
>> opinions on asking infra@ to cut over the website. I just rolled
>> the 0.8.1 RC #2 so hopefully with the 0.8.1 release we can get the
>> new website up and running and start working on simply making it
>> better and cutting over the existing content to it.
>> WDYT?
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
>> Chief Architect
>> Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
>> NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
>> Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
>> Email:
>> WWW:
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
>> University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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